Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wishing For A Scandal Does Not Make For One

Benghazi and Clinton's emails have not added up to be a scandal as of this moment.  Fox news would like their viewers to think it is a scandal and uses that word over and over as it flashes messages across the TV screen.  The idea is to wound Hillary because they think she will be the democratic nominee and they have reason to believe if she is she is likely to defeat the republican nominee in the general election.

The republican party and their candidates are using the same tactic.  After the tragic events of 9/11 the republican party and Fox news said don't blame Bush, blame the terrorists.  After Benghazi they said, don't blame the terrorists, blame Hillary.  And just recently Bob Woodward, the Washington Post journalist of Watergate fame said Hillary's emails remind him of Nixon's tapes.  The comparisons are hogwash of course and a way for Woodward to recapture the spotlight.

When the political spin is put aside the democratic candidates campaign bring sanity to an election cycle that seems to be developing into a circus.  And if Vice President Joe Biden decides to enter the campaign that will be another positive for the democratic party.

Scandal and character attacks always seem to come back and bite those who use that kind of tactic.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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