Saturday, September 5, 2015

Louisiana's U.S. Representative Charles Boustany: Another Failed Conservative On The U.S. Tax Code

In a Times Picayune article dated 9/4/15 Boustany opposes Trumps suggestion to raise the tax rate on Hedge Fund Managers and raise tariffs on products produced over seas.  Boustany said that was simply not conservative and sounded like a liberal policy coming from Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

Hedge Fund Managers make billions in profits, create no jobs, is speculative in nature and the tax code allows a tax rate on their income that is lower than many middle class family pays. It is sort of like Romney's Venture Capitol where other companies are bought and sold.  According to the tax records Romney released he paid an effective tax rate between 12-13% on millions of dollars of income.

Boustany called the corporate tax system one of the harshest corporate tax system on the planet.  But he failed to mention corporate America does not pay nearly the tax burden he talks about and actually pay less than the middle class.  Boustany is a member of the U.S. House tax writing committee.  His committee and congress are responsible for all the tax loopholes and tax breaks granted to corporate America and the wealthy.

Trump is right on wanting a fair tax to be paid by the Hedge Fund Managers.  Boustany and conservative tax policies have been a failure in creating a robust economy and job creation.  Just ask the most recent republican conservative administration, that of President George W. Bush.  Their tax policies are also the reason the national debt has increased so much and the fact that no republican President has balanced the federal budget since President Eisenhower in 1960.

Boustany is one of a long list of republican conservatives who disregard the facts because of their ideology.  And the facts are Democratic administrations perform better than republican administrations for the country and its people because of policy.  That includes the economy, job creation, reducing federal deficits and balancing the federal budget and keeping America safe at home and abroad and so many other areas of governing.  And yes, it was the democratic administration of President Obama and his policy that reversed the second great republican recession of 2008 with its massive job losses and record deficit spending.

The U.S. House which Boustany is a member and which has been under republican control for the last 4 years is a dysfunctional one with no accomplishments.  They have wasted the tax payers time to vote on defunding the ACA over 50 times.  The conservative ideology Boustany and his party preach has been a total failure.  Just look at the latest low poll numbers of their established conservative republican Presidential candidates.  That really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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