Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Unemployment And Job Creation: A Positive Continuation Of The Economy

The U.S. Labor Department announced that the unemployment rate in August was 5.1%, down from the 5.3% in July and U.S. business continues to add jobs.  The economy created 173,000 jobs in August and that was the 66th straight month of positive job growth.

Congress returns from their many breaks this week and has a full plate of legislation to consider for the balance of this year and next fiscal year of the federal government which begins October 1.  Funding for this fiscal year ends September 30 and congress needs to find a way to avoid another shutdown that some republicans are talking about doing.

Congress also needs to pass the highway bill that the republicans have kicked down the road for the past 3 years.  The democratic controlled Senate passed a highway bill three years ago only to die in the republican controlled U.S. House.  A highway bill will create jobs and good paying ones and will be an additional positive factor for the economy.  It is time for the republican party to step up to the plate and act like serious public officials.

I believe any fair minded person would agree its time for the republicans in congress to stand up and be counted and support the President's agenda for the next year and four months.  It is past time they separate themselves from the do nothing party.

In the mean time the democratic administration of President Obama continues to move the country and its people forward.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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