Monday, July 18, 2016

Another First For "PolitiDose"

This writer in a number of past commentaries pointed out that republicans have very few accomplishments because they govern by a conservative ideology that does not put America first.  To them republican conservatism is elite and no one else can govern or make the right decisions.  They even try to carry it to the point of feeling they should be able to run government even when they lose elections.  A great example is the present republican party who wants President Obama to step aside and let them do their thing.

Now comes Mike Pence, the republican governor of Indiana that Trump just announced had been selected to be his V.P. running mate.  After the introduction Pence took the stage and described himself to the audience as a Christian, a conservative and a republican in that order according to a Times Picayune article of 7/17/16.  Being an American was not even in his top three preference.  Donald Trump is no conservative in ideology, his ideology is his ego and his feelings of being elite.  So once again the country has a party whose Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates would run the country (if elected) with out an American agenda.

Is it any wonder why republican conservatives spend so much time trying to tear American down with their negative comments and ideology.  The names of the party's leaders change from time to time but their failure to learn that it is America that counts speaks loud and clear in their deeds.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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