Friday, July 15, 2016

The Obama Administration Continues To Follow Through On Its Priorities To Bring Terrorists Leaders To Justice.

A Pentagon press secretary announced that the mastermind of the 2014 terror attack on a Pakistani school that killed 150 people including 130 children was killed by a U.S. drone strike near Afghanistan's border with Pakistan.  The mastermind terrorist Umar Khalifa was killed along with four other terrorists who were members of an Islamic State affiliate.

President Obama has stayed on focus with his priority to bring terrorists to justice and often reminds them that the U.S. has a long reach and will hunt them down.  And the President has not tried to show off and talk tough.  He continues to take action that bring results.  The news media gave scant coverage to this latest positive event against terror and the republicans and Trump are silent once again.  Their tough talk and lack of accomplishments are wearing thin.

The President understands America's role in fighting terrorists and to do what is necessary to end the threat.  Our intelligence agency worked closely with Pakistan and Afghanistan's government intelligence to find and bring Umar to justice.  He and his terror group were responsible for other attacks along the border and to undermine the Afghanistan government.  Yes, America really has a long reach that the terrorists are feeling and America's leader is President Obama.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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