Thursday, August 18, 2016

Another First For "PolitiDose"

In previous commentary this writer pointed out that no matter what the outcome of the congressional investigations concerning Benghazi and Clinton's personal email server and regardless of the FBI's investigation, Trump and the republicans would never let go because it is an election year.  And sure enough the republicans in congress now want the FBI's transcripts of Clinton's statements.  The FBI complied and in a letter questioned their motives.

The republicans in congress controlled the Clinton's investigations and their final reports found no wrong doing by President Obama or Secretary of State Clinton.  But now with Trump down in the polls, especially in the battleground states and the republicans feeling they might lose their majority in congress are going to their M.O. in rehashing those investigations in order to damage Clinton's chances of becoming President.

The personal attacks will continue along with their lies and it will be a steady barrage.  The same crowd will lead the way, Trump, the republican party, Fox News, conservative journalists and Roger Ailes who has joined Trump's campaign just recently according to news reports.  The attacks will fly all the way until election day and even beyond.  Their game plan has been exposed, tell as many lies over and over and soon people will believe the lie.

In the mean time Hillary Clinton will continue to bring her message to the people and speak to their concerns.  Her vision is for America, Trump and the republican's vision is for themselves.  Clinton can hold her head up high.  Trump and the republicans can not do that from the gutter.  That says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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