Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Congressional Republicans and Donald Trump.

Republicans in congress are openly saying they may lose their majority in the November general election because of Donald Trump, his low polling numbers, his extreme remarks and lies.  But the issue goes much deeper than that.  The electorate can see a do nothing republican controlled congress and their lack of taking on the issues that affect the country and its people.

Trump could not lead the republican party in congress to act positive and pass positive legislation since he became their leader.  So in other words the republicans in congress will be responsible for their own loss if it happens due to their own failure to act responsible and pass needed legislation.  It points out the weakness of the republicans in congress and Donald Trump also because Trump did nothing to urge his party to act responsible and pass needed legislation during the campaign.

Another problem many congressional republicans have stems from the fact that they say they will not endorse
Trump but will vote for him.  A statement made to try and distance themselves from Trump but a vote for Trump is an endorsement any way you look at it.  The lack of credibility between both are astounding but those who follow politics should have known long ago.

Cable news has joined the fun by repeating that this Presidential campaign is like no other, yet they continue their love affair with Donald Trump and are silent on the do nothing republican controlled congress.  Yes, cable news has been a contributing factor to the republic circus this Presidential campaign season.  They can not admit that because their goal is to fill up air time no matter how petty the subject matter they choose to air.

Trump and his party are not serious public servants and in fact are a disgrace to America's political system.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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