Sunday, August 21, 2016

Conservative Journalists Are Stepping All Over Themselves.

Their newspaper columns, radio and television shows have always been about bashing the democratic party and telling the people how the republican party and its elected officials are best for America for accomplishing any and everything.  There were no facts to back the position up but that was not a problem for their fairy tale narrative.  They and their party created the conditions for Donald Trump to emerge as the party's Presidential nominee and now those journalists are in a tizzy.

They are now blaming the republican party for not taking care of the public's business, not following through on their policies, not listening to the people's needs or changes to the make up of the electorate, etc. etc. and the list goes on and on.  They are now openly opposed to a number of republicans who have been in congress for many years who failed to lead the party.

Erick Erickson, the conservative journalist in a Times Picayune article of 8/21/16 writes the following:  THE REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT IS MUCH CLOSER TO WALL STREET THAN MAIN STREET.  IT IS CYNICAL ABOUT THE STATE OF THE NATION, WHILE GIVING LIP SERVICE TO THE GREATNESS OF THE COUNTRY.  THEY LONG AGO STOPPED BEING DRIVEN BY PASSION FOR THE NATION AND INSTEAD ARE DRIVEN BY PASSION FOR POWER.  That is an astounding statement considering Erickson should have acknowledged that long ago about his party.  The democrats have been saying that for years and so have the voters.

Those conservative journalists are actually more at fault than their party because they control more air and newspaper time than republican officials and have greatly expanded the republican lies and misinformation given to the people and they do it willingly.  Like the republican party, they can not acknowledge the good things that have taken place on the democratic watch.  Instead, their constant negative reporting on issues, especially the most important ones have left many Americans looking for a savior and this year it is Donald Trump.

They and their party supported Donald Trump and the birther claim against President Obama and were silent the whole time Trump was using extreme language against the President and others.  After all, they and their party did the same thing to President Clinton, Hillary Clinton and other democrats over a long period of time.  They now find themselves between a rock and a hard place made of their own doing and are lashing out at the republican party and Donald Trump, their partners in every thing negative.  Their reports have become self serving and are pitiful in nature because they still can not admit the role they played in helping the party to create the Donald.

And like Donald Trump, the party conservative journalists will continue their extreme personal attacks against the President and Clinton because like Trump, the big lie is who they are and what they stand for.  The negative reporting will also continue because that is also who they are and their true feelings as conservatives.  They can not see the America every one else knows exist.  And that really is a sad thing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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