Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Donald Trump Has Already Built The Wall

However, the wall is not on the southern border of the United States.  The wall Trump has built stands around his own personal life to shield his federal tax return from the public and the news media, and includes his own personal business dealings and debt.  Transparency is some thing Trump does  not believe in even when he runs for the highest office in the land.  But like a good hypocrite, he believes other candidates should be transparent.

The New York Times seems to think China and Mexico hold millions of dollars in Trump debt, countries that trade with American business and where Trump has manufacturing plants where he out sources American jobs.  Trump himself also said on national TV he has business dealings with Russia.  Since Trump likes to speculate about his opponent, maybe the voters should speculate about Trump's motives of running for President if he should win.  Would he use the power of his office against those countries holding his debt and countries he does business with such as Russia.  Would he look for a deal to cancel his personal debt?   After all, as a business man Trump is known to have some shady dealings.

On the other hand, his opponent Hillary Clinton has been transparent in her federal tax returns for over 30 years, has with stood several investigations by congressional committees controlled by republicans that found no wrong doing and by the FBI investigation that found no wrong doing concerning her private email server.  Her testifying before congress for many hours was as transparent as one can get.

Clinton has passed the character test, Trump has failed.  Clinton has passed the transparent test, Trump has failed.  Clinton has passed the leadership test, Trump has failed.  Clinton has paid her fair share in taxes, Trump is on record as saying only stupid people pay taxes.  Clinton has proved her leadership in elected office, as Secretary of State and as first Lady bringing health care services to young children, Trump's leadership is about himself.  Clinton has proved she is qualified to be President, Trump has not.  Clinton has a record of bringing people together, Trump has no such record.  Clinton, if elected President will represent all of America as the democratic national convention did, Trump, if elected President will not by his own words.

The wall that Trump already build to hide his business dealings and tax returns is typical of many business people who believe they are above the law.  The people can break down that wall in November with a vote for Hillary Clinton.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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