Sunday, October 23, 2016

Mitch McConnell: Eight Years Later and Still Obstructing Progress.

Republican Mitch McConnell, U.S. senate majority leader will end this year in the senate like he started eight years ago.  When President Obama was first elected President, McConnell vowed not to work with the President and when Obama announced several months ago his nominee to fill the vacant seat on the U.S. Supreme Court McConnell said the senate would not take up the nomination.

So the republican controlled congress will end this year in failure just like the Bush administration ended its Presidency.  On the other hand President Obama will finish his term and leave office on a high note of accomplishments.  The country has a much improved economy, jobs, lower unemployment, reduced deficit spending, smaller increase in federal spending, a poverty rate that is going down instead of up, our home land has been safe and fewer of our men and women in uniform are dying in the middle east and around the globe.  Median wages are increasing and more people are entering the job market because of better economic conditions according to the Labor Department.  The consumer satisfactory index is at its highest since 2007.

Because of McConnell's lack of action and failure to execute his duty and hold hearings on President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, the Court is not functioning like it should and cases on its calendar have been pushed back according to the latest reports.  Like Trump, the republican party and its leaders in congress are unfit to govern and deserve each other.

Hopefully on November 8 the people will vote to have democrats take control of the senate along with keeping a democrat in the White House. Precedent indicates that would be the best outcome for the country and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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