Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Facebook and The Social Media

It is no secret that the cable networks have failed to deliver a serious conversation of the every day happenings in American life.  Makes no difference what subject matter is taking place the coverage is slanted, turned into sound bites or just plain inaccurate.  Filling up air time is all that matters and the good news and happenings are given the least attention.

Social media, especially Facebook is the king of worst in this writers opinion.  In fact when it comes to comments concerning the Presidential race it is down right nasty, void of facts most of the time and the posters that are posted with commentary don't tell the story of the subject matter it relates to.  Then you have a bunch of people who say they miss the values taught to them by their generation and then turn around and make nasty and offensive comments that the generation who taught them would never make.  It is a sad contradiction.

Facebook and the social media could be a good balance to cable news and the major networks but instead have joined the media's game of spin.  It is really unfortunate when people use their free will to make extreme comments about other people when they could use that same free will to say something positive.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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