Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Latest In The Sad, Sad Saga Of The Republican Party

The latest allegations against Donald Trump and his sexual assaults on more women who came forward to tell their stories and Trump's cry baby attitude that the election and the news media is rigged and therefore the voting process was rigged was met with cries from members of his own party that they could not support him.

BUT GUESS WHAT THEY SAID AFTER THAT?  They said they would still vote for him.  In other words they are indeed supporting Trump.  One republican congressman even said he did not want his children exposed to that but he would still vote Trump.  It follows what this writer said long ago in "PolitiDose", Donald Trump and the republican party are one and the same and the party will support Trump and are willing to sell their soul to the devil to return to power in the White House.

The republican party, Trump and the Fox News Network have harmed our democratic election process with their extreme actions and just the other night Fox took a turn for the worse when Megyn Kelly interviewed Newt Gingrich that turned out to be about sex with both making comments unfit for television.  But Fox does not care.  Gingrich has disgraced himself long ago by his own actions and extreme attitude but Fox keeps inviting him back.  They deserve each other.

Hillary Clinton and the democratic party are still the best chance for democracy to survive as our forefathers  fought so hard to establish.  On November 8, the voters should put an end to Trump and his party's destructive behavior.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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