Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Part III: United States Launches an Air Strike On Syria: President Trump's Major Miscalculation.

The President's policy toward Syria and Russia prior to the recent alleged Syrian chemical attack gave those two countries confidence that any misbehavior by them would provoke only a tiny prick from the Trump administration.  Trump's policy toward Russia was one of accepting Russia's military involvement in Syria because as he said, "they will help Syria fight ISIS and that is good."  However, they also helped Syria fight the anti Syrian rebels who have been fighting a civil war against Assad and Syria for several years and Trump Knew the Russians were doing that.

Trump's position was also that he could deal with Putin and Russia even though he knew the history of Putin and Russia and was receiving intelligence briefings after becoming the nominee.  Trump also enlisted Putin to spy on America"s email, especially Hillary's email.

And of course, Trump told America, the world and even Putin that Putin was a better leader than President Obama and even had a higher approval rating than President Obama.  Pretty strange words for an American to compare a dictator and country that lacks any democratic process to the leaders of the free world and America who is governed by the democratic process.  Yes, what Trump said as a Presidential candidate, a Presidential nominee, a President elect and a President really does matter and have consequences and should be unacceptable.

As President, Trump's policy toward Syria prior to the chemical attack was one of disengagement and did not object to Syria's Assad staying in power or taking advantage of Putin's military involvement in Syria.  It was the same Trump that was well aware that Syria's chemical attack in 2013 killed 20 times more people than the one on Trump's watch, including children.  But President Trump's policy was one of accepting the status quo in Syria.  Syria and Assad were well aware of Trump's tweet in 2013 indicating that President Obama should not launch an attack against Syria for their actions.

President Trump's own words and positions on Syria and Russia make it plausible that Trump's action to launch a strike against Syria was motivated by his low poll numbers, his lack of any legislation accomplishments in his first 80 days in office, the three investigations concerning he and his campaign ties to Russia and the chaos within his own administration.  An additional fact to be considered is Trump's repeated lies about President Obama and others that indicate a man who loves the spot light regardless who gets hurt or the fall out.  The President of the United States needs to be a stable leader who knows how to choose his words.  President Trump has failed the test.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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