Thursday, April 13, 2017

Will The Louisiana Legislature Act Responsible This Session?

Governor John Bel Edwards called two special sessions last year to deal with the state's fiscal problems that were recurring on the watch of former Governor Bobby Jindal.  However, last years budget was not balanced and we are told this years budget is about $300 million out of balance.  So the problem still exist.  The republican controlled legislature last year rejected many of the bills of Governor Edwards.

So now that same republican controlled body is back in session to deal with the same worn out fiscal problems.  They have had more than enough time and chances to put Louisiana's fiscal house in order both for the short and long term and have failed for the past 9 years.  So what should they do now?  Well, this writer thinks they should approve the Governor's plans and proposals for a change and lets see what happens.  The Governor should be given that opportunity and the republicans should step back.

The republicans plans have not worked and the state and its people have paid the price.  The unemployment rate in Louisiana is still higher than the national average, the state lost jobs last year and Louisiana is still near or at the bottom on the economic ladder.  The people voted for change over a year ago when they elected Edwards so let him enact his agenda.  There are too many republicans like the state's Attorney General who are willing to do any thing to see the Governor fail.

That thinking is anti-Louisiana and anti-people.  Come election time the people will have a say if the Governor's policies fail and he should be given the opportunity by the legislature to carry out his plan for the state.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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