Friday, June 9, 2017

Former FBI Director James Comey Confirms President Trump Is A Liar

In testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, former FBI director Comey said UNDER OATH President Trump lied and gave out FAKE NEWS  concerning morale at the FBI workplace and who originated the phone call to arrange a dinner meeting between Trump and Comey.  Comey's comment is creditable as he was under oath and there is a public record of Trump saying Comey set up the dinner meeting.  The lies just keep coming from the President, one after another, no matter the subject matter.

It is a very sad time for the country, our people, the Presidency and our democratic form of government.  To make matters worse, the President tried to influence the FBI investigation into the Russia-Trump thing by asking then director Comey to let go of the Flynn investigation.  Flynn was Trump's choice for his national security adviser who met with Russian officials before Trump took office and discussed the removal of sanctions placed on Russia by the Obama administration for Russia's hacking the 2016 Presidential election.  That act undermined the Obama administration who was still serving as President and Commander in Chief.  Coupled with Trump's son in law's attempt to set up a secret back channel link with Russia using Russian facilities to avoid U.S. detection was a treacherous act.  And make no mistake, Trump knew what was taking place.

Donald Trump has brought his autocrat governing to the federal government.  But a democratic government has a President and a structure where no one is above the law and the President does not have the final word.  Trying to obstruct a federal investigation is an impeachable offense and congress needs to keep that in mind as more evidence comes to light.  This writer believes there will be more impeachment offenses by the President that will come into view as more information surfaces.  It is only a matter of time.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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