Friday, June 9, 2017

The Republican Swamp Becomes A Cess-Pool

Former FBI director James Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee concerning President Trump continues to bring out the worse from republicans in congress.  They and conservative journalists have defended the President's lies from day one and now the republicans sorry excuse for defending the President after Comey's explosive testimony, was Trump's inexperience at being a public official, he does not understand government or how government works, every thing is new to him, etc, etc, and etc.

The swamp that Trump said he would drain has become a cess-pool aided and abeted by the republicans in congress.  And just on Thursday this week the republican  controlled House passed legislation eliminating all the safe guards put in place that brought the wall street banks under control by the Dodd-Franks legislation after the big banks failures of 2008.  Trump supported the Thursday bill and has placed wall street bankers in key positions in his cabinet and administration.  Hopefully, the democrats in the U.S. Senate can defeat this bill.

I doubt seriously if there is any living person today who has witnessed a more corrupt administration than the Trump administration or a more corrupted party than the republican party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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