Monday, November 20, 2017

Another First For PolitiDose.

E.J. Dionne, Jr., editorial opinion writer for the Washington Post is a highly respected journalist because of his knowledge on the subject matters he comments on and his fact based opinions.  In his column dated 11/15 for the Washington Post titled, "Republicans Enrage Your Colleagues," Dionne wrote and I quote:  THE GOP BILL THAT SHOULD BE CALLED THE CUT TAXES ON PRESIDENT TRUMP AND OTHER VERY RICH PEOPLE ACT  of  2017 ALWAYS HAD A SECONDARY PURPOSE;  TO JACK UP THE DEFICIT SO REPUBLICANS COULD LATER CRY IN HORROR, 'LOOK AT THAT AWFUL DEBT.  THEY WOULD THEN USE THE POOLS OF RED INK THEY CREATED TO JUSTIFY DEEP CUTS IN SOCIAL PROGRAMS.  And if that sounds familiar, its because you read it here first in PolitiDose in several commentaries, one titled, "Presidents Reagan and Bush 41 and 43:  The axis of runaway deficit spending and debt dated 12/7/2010 and one dated 1/11/2012 titled, "Conservatism, The ugly and unAmerican ideology.  Chapter III.

This writers commentaries in PolitiDose touched upon the ideology of the republican party and their motivation behind the Reagan and Bush tax cuts.  Their intent was for the tax cuts to produce massive deficit spending and debt as Reagan and Bush's tax cuts actually did for the 16 years they served.  Then use the massive deficits and debt to justify cutting Social Security, Medicare and other social programs they hate.  They tried to do that under Bush 43 by privatizing Social Security but the democrats in congress blocked their scheme.

Donald Trump complained during and after the campaign that the national debt was a disgrace and now follows the Reagan and Bush 43 and the GOP's tax scheme with his own tax scheme that favors the wealthy and corporate America that will add trillions more to the deficits and national debt.  The next step for Trump and the GOP will be the assault on those social programs.  What PolitiDose warned about long ago is now recognized by Mr. Dionne, a person in a better position to talk about the subject matter than this writer.

And once again, you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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