Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mayor Landrieu Told The Truth and Was Right All Along: New Orleans Is Not a Sanctuary City.

President Trump, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Louisiana' republican U.S. Senator John Kennedy as usual let their big mouth over load their tiny brain concerning New Orleans being a so called "sanctuary city."  They tried to pin that fake news around Landrieu and the City's neck with their wild immigration ideology.  Landrieu, since the very beginning said New Orleans was in compliance with federal law and was not a "sanctuary city."

Now, according to a Times Picayune article of 11/19, Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a letter notified Mayor Landrieu that the justice department has found no evidence that New Orleans is currently out of compliance with immigration on the reporting of undocumented immigrants, meaning it is not a so called "sanctuary city."  The rush to prejudge the Mayor and the city is a direct result of the republicans lack of policy, facts, lies and fake news.  Which defines the Trump administration.  Sessions and Kennedy also knew as Landrieu said more than once that the city was operating under a consent degree order with the federal government and were in compliance from the very beginning.

John Kennedy, ditto head republican senator was willing to join the lies and fake news of the GOP in attacking Mayor Landrieu on the subject matter.  But Landrieu is a dedicated public servant who has political understanding and knowledge of the issues involved in governing.

The GOP trio was not up to date on the situation and made a fool of themselves by not checking the evidence before they spoke.  Landrieu, a democrat knew the facts and related the facts to Sessions long ago, but Sessions already made up his mind to make an issue on a situation that did not exist.  What a shame.  It would be good for the people to keep in mind that Sessions is the same person who continues to have a hard time remembering how many times he met with Russian officials during the Trump campaign.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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