Thursday, February 28, 2019

Another Big First For "PolitiDose" Your Daily Dose Of Political Commentary

It was "PolitiDose" long ago in more than one commentary that alerted its readers that the "crooked candidate" in the 2016 Presidential race was not Hillary Clinton as Trump spit out one lie after another.  And now, just yesterday before the U.S. House in public testimony Trump's long time attorney and confidant, Michael Cohen testified under oath in detail that indicated it was indeed Donald Trump who was the "crooked candidate" in the 2016 Presidential campaign and election.

Cohen's testimony went even farther and described Trump as a con man, a fraud, a liar and a man and President who violated the law.  Cohen's testimony also left no doubt that Donald Trump paid hush money to keep an affair secret and out of the public eye during the 2016 campaign.  Cohen's testimony fit in with all of the so called rumors about Trump during the past 3 years, only this time it came from a credible witness who worked for Trump and carried out Trump's orders to lie and cheat.

The public hearing was another piece of evidence how Hillary Clinton was so correct in her assessment about Trump being unfit to serve as President and his intimate relationship with Russia to damage Clinton's campaign and influence the election in Trump's favor.  The 48% of the popular vote in Clinton's favor and the over whelming democratic vote this past November that gave control of the U.S. House to the democratic party was an indication that the majority of those voting understood just how damaging Donald Trump would be and has been to the country and its people.

Yes my fellow Americans, Donald Trump was the "crooked candidate" in the 2016 Presidential campaign and election and is the "crooked President" who occupies the White House.

And it is a sad story how the news media in general allowed themselves to repeat Trump's lies about Hillary Clinton so often during the campaign.  The readers of PolitiDose are more informed concerning the real stories that takes place.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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