Thursday, February 28, 2019

Its Not Too Late For Mitch Landrieu To Run For President

Will Mitch Landrieu run or not?  This writer thinks Mitch should be giving this decision serious thought.  He has time to decide despite a number of democrats who have already announced and despite the fact that the first democratic debate is scheduled for June 2019.  Since campaigns and debates have become so inflammatory with little substance, facts and solutions, a shorter period would be more productive.

Mitch is young enough to wait until the 2024 Presidential elections.  In the mean time he could be using his time to learn about domestic and national issues, foreign policy, the federal budget and the international world a President has to deal with.  Landrieu already has the political understanding to run government and make government work so he would be a great candidate.

The democratic candidates who have announced their decision to run are a diversified lot and would be better than any republican candidate, including Donald Trump.  But Landrieu brings more political experience and can articulate policy and plans on a scale that would be understood by the voting public.  Plus he is a public servant who really cares about governing, the issues and the people.

This writer would like to see Mitch Landrieu run for public office again at what ever level he chooses.  The public needs his experience and service and a run in 2020 should not be out of the question.  The next President will have his hands full dealing with the mess Trump has created so it is more important than ever to elect a Presidential candidate that has political understanding, the very thing President Truman spoke about so long, long ago.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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