Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Unanswered Question During The Coronavirus Pandemic.

The business community tells us about their employees who have been laid off, furloughed, offered early retirement, lost their matching 401K matching funds, their health insurance, lost wages and other employee benefits due to the coronavirus pandemic.  But as of this writing, the business community has left the most important question unanswered.

Did the business community's executives and CEO's suffer the same fate as their average workers?  It is probably safe to assume that they did not since the business community and the general news media has been silent on the issue.  And it comes on the heel of a new report that says executives and CEO's compensation in the last 40 years increased 320 times that of the average worker.  So it is obvious who needs the most relief during this pandemic.  And the people who need financial help the most are not receiving it from the business community they helped realize that 320-1 ratio advantage.

Trump and the republicans 14% corporate tax cut has done little to help out the average employee during the pandemic and as of this writing according to a report by the U.S. Commerce Department, America has 27 million people still on unemployment and the republican controlled Senate can not get its act together to pass an extended relief package even thought the democratic controlled House passed their relief package bill over two months ago. 

Its past time for the business community to step up to the plate and do more for their average workers production and contribution to the companies success.  And it is past time for Trump  and his party to represent America and its average worker instead of those only at the top.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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