Thursday, September 3, 2020

Another Big First For "PolitiDose" As The News Media Finally Catches Up.

"PolitiDose" continues to lead while the major news media and cable news hosts follow.  This time concerning the violence that has occupied the media and inflamed by President Trump.  Trump, as usual plays the blame game and blames democratic governors and mayors for the violence following the deaths of several black citizens by the local police.

But "PolitiDose" commented long ago it has all taken place on Trump's watch and that as a Presidential candidate in 2016 said all the violence would stop on January 20, 2017 when he took office.  Of course it has not stopped and Trump himself has fanned the flame of violence with his lawless attitude.  Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden addressed that issue in Pittsburgh this week and reminded the people what Trump said and his inaction.

Biden's comment opened the door and used Trump's own words to indict Trump's failure to act.  Then opinion writers in the New Orleans Advocate of Sept. 3 and a letter to the editors that takes Trump to task for trying to run away from his record and his past statements.  It now leaves one to ask how the debate moderators handle this issue concerning Trump's blame game on someone else when Trump himself failed to govern.

There are other elements to this issue that the news media and especially the cable news networks in particular who have allowed Trump  to over blow the Black Lives Matter protest.  If one listens to their reports and Trump's rhetoric one would think America is on fire.  But the so called riots and lootings are restricted to a few cities only and mostly agitated by out of state armed extremist groups who are egged on by Donald Trump himself.   But the news media has failed to tell that story and that the majority of protesters have been peaceful and without weapons. 

PolitiDose also exposed Trump's failure to keep America safe in a commentary in June 2017 like he  said he would  do when one of several mass killings took place on Trump's watch.  In fact the mass shooting and killing in Las Vegas in 2017 was the most deadly mass shooting since the FBI  began keeping records of such incidents.  Trump actually has no record of addressing crime or criminal activity.  He does have a record of lawlessness and encouraging extremist groups to cause trouble.  He also shows respect for no one or any thing American.  And the President's own actions serve as proof he is mentally unfit to be President and Commander in Chief.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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