Saturday, September 12, 2020

President Trump's News Media Enablers Who Claim To Be Conservatives

First, lets clear the deck.  When it comes to republicans in the news media who use the word conservative to describe themselves, it indicates their un-willingness to be an American first and foremost.  Like Trump, they are unfit to serve in an industry that is vital to free speech because their every move is to protect a President who lies about everything on a regular basis.

They are also the mouth piece of the republican party in general and the opponent of the democratic party in particular.  And its to the point of adopting Trump and his party's talking points regardless of the facts.  At the moment, they have accepted trump's word concerning his relationship with Russia and their interference in the 2016 presidential election and now the 2020 election instead of the U.S. intelligence community reports about Trump's involvement with Russia. 

Conservative opinion writers with a few exceptions like Michael Gerson, are all in on Trump's traitorous acts and betrayal and even use excuses to justify his actions.  Their common denominator seems to be facts don't matter, its what we can sell that does.  But when you are a Trump ditto head and have no character or courage and no respect for the public good, you are no better than Trump who lives at the bottom of the toxic barrel.

This writer commented through the years (before Trump) how so called conservative news media spends more time attacking democrats while republican administrations are running the country instead of talking about republican administrations who are running the country.  And now, under Trump, they are doing the same thing, especially opinion writers.  Well as spelled out before, the reasons they do that is because republican administrations have no accomplishments to articulate.  And sure enough, Trump will end his term in office as one of the worst performing Presidents in the past 50 years.

But hey, the so called conservative media will have done their job, passing on false information about the democratic party and promoting the lies and fake news of Trump and his party.  Congratulations on being just as toxic as Trump and his party.

This commentary written  by Joe Lorio

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