Sunday, September 20, 2020

Trump And The Republican Party In Congress Continue To Flaunt Their Un-American and Un-Democratic Ideology.

The untimely death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a great loss for Justice in the highest court of America.  But President Trump used the loss to declare he would immediately nominate a replacement for Judge Ginsburg and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would proceed with a Senate hearing in a speedy manner before the Presidential election.  What Trump and McConnell announced was the opposite of how President Obama's nominee to fill a vacancy to the court was opposed by both Trump and McConnell who refused to give Obama's choice a hearing.

The politicalizing of the Supreme Court by Trump, McConnell and the republican party in dealing with President Obama's nominee and now their 368 degree turn for Trump's nominee is nothing short of Un-American and Un-Democratic no matter how one looks at it.  It is also an autocratic act by those who look at themselves as Kings who can trample on American Justice to serve their own political purpose.  Trump, McConnell and his party in congress are truly deplorables.  McConnell and his party in congress stand along side of Trump with their own betrayal of America and its institutions.

 The darkness that Trump and his ditto head party has cast over our great land has to come to an end on November 3.  Its the only way to deal with the corruptive rule that Trump and his party has established.

This commentary was written by Joe Lorio

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