Wednesday, November 17, 2021

President Biden's Administration Continues The Precedent Set By Past Democratic Administrations For Job Creation.

 According to the U.S. Labor Department's monthly jobs report for the first full 9 months of President Biden's administration (February through October) the U.S. economy added 5,005,000 jobs for a monthly average of 562,777 jobs added per month.  By contrast, in Trump's last 9 months in office (March through December 2020) the economy lost 8,896,800 jobs in those last 9 full months.  And in Trump's first 36 months in office (before the pandemic) 6.6 million jobs were added to the economy for a monthly average of 183,333 jobs added per month.

In President Obama's last 36 months in office 8.1 million jobs were added to the economy for a monthly average of 225,000 jobs added per month.  Biden's job creation record is no surprise to the readers of Politidose commentary because they know democratic administrations out perform republican administrations by a wide margin for the past 100 years.  They also have the numbers to prove it.  And Politidose commentary predicted the success of Biden in job creation and the economy before he even took office.  See Note Below.

The GOP, the conservative news media and the news media in general are ignorant of the democratic record of success and therefore their comments are not worth listening to.  Facts are foreign to them because facts spell the truth and their only interest is propaganda.  A good example is their put down of the economy and job creation during Biden's first 9 months in office.  

President Biden's administration is confirming what the readers of Politidose and those who follow the facts already know.  Democrats are best at governing for the country and its people.  So stay tuned to Politidose, your daily dose of political commentary.

Note: See previous commentary:  What Will The New Year Bring Politically? dated 12/7/20 and Joe Biden, The 46th President of the United States dated 1/23/21

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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