Friday, November 19, 2021

The Democratic Controlled U.S. House of Representatives Stands Tall For America.

The U.S. House reminded the American people this week that Congress has a major role in keeping democracy functional and on going when the House voted to censure republican representative Paul Gosar for posting a video of himself killing a democratic member of the U.S. House.

All democrats in the House and two republicans voted to censure while the rest of the republicans in the House (200+) voted against censure.  Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were the two who voted with the democrats.  Democratic Speaker of The House, Nancy Pelosi, once again stood strong in leading the House to fulfill their obligation of oversight to protect American democracy and congress role in governing without the kind of vivid threats posted by Paul Gosar.  Those are the kinds of threats and intimidation that have a way of being taken to the next level of executing by copy cats and part of the ugly politics the republican party has chosen to follow.

Pelosi's actions in restoring the democratic process to congress and her political understanding of her responsibility as Speaker that its members must follow a code of civility or face the consequence of their actions was the right and only decision.

And once again it is a democratic congress that took the step to punish one of its members for conduct unbecoming an elected official serving in the U.S. Congress.  Congress needs more like minded people such as Pelosi who understand the responsibility that goes along with serving in the Congress.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 


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