Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The most powerful people in Washington

GQ has a new list out, counting down the top 50 most powerful people in our Nation's capital. Here's who made the Top 10:

1. Condollezza Rice
2. Harry Reid
3. Robert Gates
4. Anthony Kennedy
5. Nancy Pelosi
6. Howard Kohr
7. David Addington
8. Hillary Clinton
9. Karl Rove
10. Mike Hayden

I certainly don't agree with this list if we're ranking these people based on power. Dick Cheney of all people probably has the most pull in washington. Nancy Pelosi, in my mind, is more respected and therefore is more powerful that Harry Reid. Hillary Clinton is not all that powerful within Washington D.C.. Karl Rove should be higher up on that list for sure, we know of the control he had over the president. But the oddest thing is that Condi is number one. I don't agree with that at all, she might be powerful, but certainly not the MOST powerful. Here is my list:

1. Dick Cheney
2. Karl Rove
3. Nancy Pelosi
5. George Bush
6. Harry Reid
7. Alberto Gonzalez
8. George Bush
9. Condi Rice
10. Patrick Leahy

Its sad when the Vice President and the President's political strategist are higher up on the list than the actual president. But I think we can all agree that Rove is Bush's brain and Dick is the presidents, well....I'll leave the body part up for you to decide.

To see all 50 on GQ's list, visit:


Scott said...

Typical lib tripe. Bush is not led by Cheney or Rove. Bush is an MBA from an Ivy League school, something the "brilliant" Al Gore doesn't even have.

It's sad that Cheney is higher than Bush? You made the friggin' list!

Anonymous said...

Bush may have an MBA but he can't balance one federal budget and has given the nation record debt. Bush, Chaney and Rove are one and the same. All Chicken Hawks.