Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rudy flip-flops AGAIN!

Rudy Guiliani is trying to appeal to republican primary voters by appearing to be more conservative. His latest attempt to that has him planning on releasing a detailed plan on how to stop illegal immigration. Guiliani has recently said, "I promise I will end illegal immigration!" This is quite the opposite opinion of illegal immigration than he had in 1994, when the mayor had this to say:

"Some of the hardest-working and most productive people in this city are undocumented aliens, if you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you’re one of the people who we want in this city. You’re somebody that we want to protect, and we want you to get out from under what is often a life of being like a fugitive, which is really unfair.”

All I can say is Rudy flip-flopped again. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised, but it always gets me: when a candidate knowingly goes against what they truly believe in, just to get votes. I don't care whether your democrat, republican, or anything else, its just wrong. If you have to be un-truthful to yourself, you shouldn't be running for president or any elected position for that matter.

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