It was "PolitiDose" long ago in more than one commentary that alerted its readers that the "crooked candidate" in the 2016 Presidential race was not Hillary Clinton as Trump spit out one lie after another. And now, just yesterday before the U.S. House in public testimony Trump's long time attorney and confidant, Michael Cohen testified under oath in detail that indicated it was indeed Donald Trump who was the "crooked candidate" in the 2016 Presidential campaign and election.
Cohen's testimony went even farther and described Trump as a con man, a fraud, a liar and a man and President who violated the law. Cohen's testimony also left no doubt that Donald Trump paid hush money to keep an affair secret and out of the public eye during the 2016 campaign. Cohen's testimony fit in with all of the so called rumors about Trump during the past 3 years, only this time it came from a credible witness who worked for Trump and carried out Trump's orders to lie and cheat.
The public hearing was another piece of evidence how Hillary Clinton was so correct in her assessment about Trump being unfit to serve as President and his intimate relationship with Russia to damage Clinton's campaign and influence the election in Trump's favor. The 48% of the popular vote in Clinton's favor and the over whelming democratic vote this past November that gave control of the U.S. House to the democratic party was an indication that the majority of those voting understood just how damaging Donald Trump would be and has been to the country and its people.
Yes my fellow Americans, Donald Trump was the "crooked candidate" in the 2016 Presidential campaign and election and is the "crooked President" who occupies the White House.
And it is a sad story how the news media in general allowed themselves to repeat Trump's lies about Hillary Clinton so often during the campaign. The readers of PolitiDose are more informed concerning the real stories that takes place. And that really says it all.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Its Not Too Late For Mitch Landrieu To Run For President
Will Mitch Landrieu run or not? This writer thinks Mitch should be giving this decision serious thought. He has time to decide despite a number of democrats who have already announced and despite the fact that the first democratic debate is scheduled for June 2019. Since campaigns and debates have become so inflammatory with little substance, facts and solutions, a shorter period would be more productive.
Mitch is young enough to wait until the 2024 Presidential elections. In the mean time he could be using his time to learn about domestic and national issues, foreign policy, the federal budget and the international world a President has to deal with. Landrieu already has the political understanding to run government and make government work so he would be a great candidate.
The democratic candidates who have announced their decision to run are a diversified lot and would be better than any republican candidate, including Donald Trump. But Landrieu brings more political experience and can articulate policy and plans on a scale that would be understood by the voting public. Plus he is a public servant who really cares about governing, the issues and the people.
This writer would like to see Mitch Landrieu run for public office again at what ever level he chooses. The public needs his experience and service and a run in 2020 should not be out of the question. The next President will have his hands full dealing with the mess Trump has created so it is more important than ever to elect a Presidential candidate that has political understanding, the very thing President Truman spoke about so long, long ago.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Mitch is young enough to wait until the 2024 Presidential elections. In the mean time he could be using his time to learn about domestic and national issues, foreign policy, the federal budget and the international world a President has to deal with. Landrieu already has the political understanding to run government and make government work so he would be a great candidate.
The democratic candidates who have announced their decision to run are a diversified lot and would be better than any republican candidate, including Donald Trump. But Landrieu brings more political experience and can articulate policy and plans on a scale that would be understood by the voting public. Plus he is a public servant who really cares about governing, the issues and the people.
This writer would like to see Mitch Landrieu run for public office again at what ever level he chooses. The public needs his experience and service and a run in 2020 should not be out of the question. The next President will have his hands full dealing with the mess Trump has created so it is more important than ever to elect a Presidential candidate that has political understanding, the very thing President Truman spoke about so long, long ago.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Trump Sends His Vice President To Europe But There Are No Gold Stars
President Trump is miffed because he thought Britain, France, Germany and the European Union as a whole would join the U.S. in Trump's withdrawal from the Iranian Nuclear deal. He found out he could not boss them around so he sent Vice President Mike Pence to a Middle East conference in Poland to slam those countries and called upon them to join the U.S. in withdrawing from the treaty. All per an article in the Times Picayune of 2/15.
Trump finds himself all alone with his lies on Iran and why he withdrew the U.S. from the treaty. And to top it all off American intelligence just recently reported that Iran continues to comply with the treaty and gave a report to congress to support their findings. It was noted that some European countries stayed away from the Warsaw conference due to concerns it would become an anti-Iraq vehicle.
On another note the Vice President was in Munich, Germany to attend the Munich Security Conference's Inaugural John McCain Dissertation award ceremony and told the audience that he brought greetings from the 45th President of The United States, President Donald Trump which received silence and no applause. The frosty reception demonstrated just how bad Trump's relationship is with the European allies all because autocrat Trump is willing to do Putin's bidding to break up the NATO alliance.
Yes my fellow Americans, President Trump himself is the national security threat that the U.S. is being exposed to.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Trump finds himself all alone with his lies on Iran and why he withdrew the U.S. from the treaty. And to top it all off American intelligence just recently reported that Iran continues to comply with the treaty and gave a report to congress to support their findings. It was noted that some European countries stayed away from the Warsaw conference due to concerns it would become an anti-Iraq vehicle.
On another note the Vice President was in Munich, Germany to attend the Munich Security Conference's Inaugural John McCain Dissertation award ceremony and told the audience that he brought greetings from the 45th President of The United States, President Donald Trump which received silence and no applause. The frosty reception demonstrated just how bad Trump's relationship is with the European allies all because autocrat Trump is willing to do Putin's bidding to break up the NATO alliance.
Yes my fellow Americans, President Trump himself is the national security threat that the U.S. is being exposed to.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
How Do You Define Socialism? Its Easy, The Trump-GOP Tax Cuts of 2017
The Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) reported that Amazon, the Corporate giant paid no federal income tax on profits of $11.2 billion last year thanks to a variety of tax credits and loop holes and actually received a federal tax rebate of $121 million last year giving it an effective federal tax rate of roughly -1%. It was the second year in a row the company paid no federal taxes.
The poorest 20 percent of American households paid an effective federal tax rate of 1.5% in 2015 according to the report while Amazon paid zero federal tax in 2017 and 2018. And from 2009 to 2018 Amazon earned roughly $26.5 billion in profits and paid approximately $791 million in federal taxes for an effective rate of 3% for that period. That is well below the 35% federal tax rate in effect most of those years and the 21% rate that came into effect with the Trump-GOP tax reductions of 2017. And ITEP studies show that other large Fortune 500 companies also did not pay near the stated corporate federal tax rate during that same time period.
Trump's recent statement that America will never become a Socialist country is the height of hypocrisy. He and his party relate Socialism to social security, medicare, food stamps, health care and any thing to do with the public and those in need. But the Trump-GOP tax plan of 2017 that favors those who need the least. That Trump-GOP tax plan did not close the loop holes or special tax breaks that allow big business to pay no tax even when profitable. And of course the 14% reduction in corporate federal tax and previous tax cuts by the republicans that favor the wealthy and corporate America has their signature as the originators of Socialism in favor of the big and powerful.
Socialism, republican style will cost the tax payers $1.5 trillion because of the tax cuts that will be paid by the tax payers that happen to be the middle class and the poorest tax payers that actually pay federal taxes. The public will hear Trump and the GOP talk a lot about Socialism between now and the 2020 Presidential election and try to convince the people that the democratic party wants America to become a Socialism state. They will try their best to hide their Socialism agenda that the republican party has always pushed and that Trump always supported. Trump's tax returns would show just how much he loves Socialism for the wealthy and corporate America. And that really says it all.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
The poorest 20 percent of American households paid an effective federal tax rate of 1.5% in 2015 according to the report while Amazon paid zero federal tax in 2017 and 2018. And from 2009 to 2018 Amazon earned roughly $26.5 billion in profits and paid approximately $791 million in federal taxes for an effective rate of 3% for that period. That is well below the 35% federal tax rate in effect most of those years and the 21% rate that came into effect with the Trump-GOP tax reductions of 2017. And ITEP studies show that other large Fortune 500 companies also did not pay near the stated corporate federal tax rate during that same time period.
Trump's recent statement that America will never become a Socialist country is the height of hypocrisy. He and his party relate Socialism to social security, medicare, food stamps, health care and any thing to do with the public and those in need. But the Trump-GOP tax plan of 2017 that favors those who need the least. That Trump-GOP tax plan did not close the loop holes or special tax breaks that allow big business to pay no tax even when profitable. And of course the 14% reduction in corporate federal tax and previous tax cuts by the republicans that favor the wealthy and corporate America has their signature as the originators of Socialism in favor of the big and powerful.
Socialism, republican style will cost the tax payers $1.5 trillion because of the tax cuts that will be paid by the tax payers that happen to be the middle class and the poorest tax payers that actually pay federal taxes. The public will hear Trump and the GOP talk a lot about Socialism between now and the 2020 Presidential election and try to convince the people that the democratic party wants America to become a Socialism state. They will try their best to hide their Socialism agenda that the republican party has always pushed and that Trump always supported. Trump's tax returns would show just how much he loves Socialism for the wealthy and corporate America. And that really says it all.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Trump and His WALL of Lies
The democratic party, the "mature ones" in congress stood tall as the U.S. House and Senate passed a funding bill that Trump signed to prevent another shutdown. The bill provided no money for Trump's wall and in fact, could have passed in December and no shutdown would have taken place. But Trump wanted to play to his base, Fox news and the extreme right like Hannity, Limbaugh and Coulter.
The democratic party has provided a steady hand since winning the U.S. House and shows their understanding of governing. They also are familiar with Trump and the republican party's failure to pass immigration legislation the last two years of their complete control. Instead, the republicans and Trump just punted with their empty rhetoric and lies.
And to make immigration matters worse, Trump announced he would declare a national emergency at the southern border, take $8 billion of funds from the department of defense and other agencies to build his WALL OF LIES. His long winded announcement was all over the lot and contained the usual lies Trump engages in on a regular basis. The speech was evident of Trump's mental state.
It is more important now than ever for the democratic party to govern maturely with sound policies and put an end to the harm already done to America by Trump and his party. The House investigations should take place where called for and the public needs to be informed of the outcomes. The republicans failed their responsibility to hold Trump accountable and have no spine. The trumpet man will never be fit to be President and Hillary Clinton said so a long time ago.
And every day, evidence emerges that the Mueller investigation will put Trump right smack in the middle of it all.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
The democratic party has provided a steady hand since winning the U.S. House and shows their understanding of governing. They also are familiar with Trump and the republican party's failure to pass immigration legislation the last two years of their complete control. Instead, the republicans and Trump just punted with their empty rhetoric and lies.
And to make immigration matters worse, Trump announced he would declare a national emergency at the southern border, take $8 billion of funds from the department of defense and other agencies to build his WALL OF LIES. His long winded announcement was all over the lot and contained the usual lies Trump engages in on a regular basis. The speech was evident of Trump's mental state.
It is more important now than ever for the democratic party to govern maturely with sound policies and put an end to the harm already done to America by Trump and his party. The House investigations should take place where called for and the public needs to be informed of the outcomes. The republicans failed their responsibility to hold Trump accountable and have no spine. The trumpet man will never be fit to be President and Hillary Clinton said so a long time ago.
And every day, evidence emerges that the Mueller investigation will put Trump right smack in the middle of it all.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Sunday, February 10, 2019
New Orleans Sports Writer Still In Sour Grapes Mode
Three weeks after the Rams beat the Saints in the conference championship game play off, reporter Jeff Duncan is still trying to sell the notion that the so called "no-call" caused the Saints to lose the game and a trip to the Super Bowl. He can not admit that the Rams out played the Saints in that game and that Payton's play calling and Brees interception in over time was the big reasons the Rams won.
As this writer said many times in the past, Payton needs to put down the cheat sheet, let his offensive coordinator call the plays so Payton himself can pay more attention to what is taking place on the football field. Tom Landry, long time coach of the Dallas Cowboys was the most successful play calling coach but Payton is no Tom Landry. And the two most winning coaches in the big games and in winning world championships are Bill Belichick and Vince Lombardi, left the play calling to their offensive coordinators. Belichick and Lombardi used their time to be involved in what was taking place on the football field.
Duncan in his Times Picayune column of 2/10/19 said the "no-call" robbed the Saints of the NFC championship and there fore set up a tainted Super Bowl. Duncan is so far off base with his apple polishing statements and sour grape remarks and does a disservice to his audience. Duncan also made the stupid statement that the Saints were the best team in football. Duncan's big problem really shakes out to be how wrong he was in his prediction about the Saints beating the Rams and how they were going to do it which never materialized.
Make no mistake, this Saints loss, if blame is the name of the game, belongs with Payton's play calling, Brees interception in overtime and the Saints poor performance inside the Rams 20 yard line when the Saints had to settle for field goals. And to follow Terry Bradshaw's logic that any time your team is inside your opponents 20 yard line and you don't throw the ball in the end zone at least once, shame, shame on you. Well the Saints were on the 13 yard line of the Rams and threw two passes, both of them short passes and no shot was taken to the end zone. What a shame.
That is the real reason the Saints may not overcome the loss. Give credit to the Rams coach and quarterback. Payton was out coached and Brees was out played. The numbers tell the story. The Rams defense made the necessary adjustments since their loss to the Saints during the regular season and the Saints forgot the game is never over till its over.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
As this writer said many times in the past, Payton needs to put down the cheat sheet, let his offensive coordinator call the plays so Payton himself can pay more attention to what is taking place on the football field. Tom Landry, long time coach of the Dallas Cowboys was the most successful play calling coach but Payton is no Tom Landry. And the two most winning coaches in the big games and in winning world championships are Bill Belichick and Vince Lombardi, left the play calling to their offensive coordinators. Belichick and Lombardi used their time to be involved in what was taking place on the football field.
Duncan in his Times Picayune column of 2/10/19 said the "no-call" robbed the Saints of the NFC championship and there fore set up a tainted Super Bowl. Duncan is so far off base with his apple polishing statements and sour grape remarks and does a disservice to his audience. Duncan also made the stupid statement that the Saints were the best team in football. Duncan's big problem really shakes out to be how wrong he was in his prediction about the Saints beating the Rams and how they were going to do it which never materialized.
Make no mistake, this Saints loss, if blame is the name of the game, belongs with Payton's play calling, Brees interception in overtime and the Saints poor performance inside the Rams 20 yard line when the Saints had to settle for field goals. And to follow Terry Bradshaw's logic that any time your team is inside your opponents 20 yard line and you don't throw the ball in the end zone at least once, shame, shame on you. Well the Saints were on the 13 yard line of the Rams and threw two passes, both of them short passes and no shot was taken to the end zone. What a shame.
That is the real reason the Saints may not overcome the loss. Give credit to the Rams coach and quarterback. Payton was out coached and Brees was out played. The numbers tell the story. The Rams defense made the necessary adjustments since their loss to the Saints during the regular season and the Saints forgot the game is never over till its over.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Ditto Head Conservative Journalist Cal Thomas Continues To Misrepresent The Facts
In a Times Picayune column of 2/3/19 titled, "What became of Country before Party" Thomas thinks back to 1968 when democratic majority leader in the U.S. Senate, Mike Mansfield said he would work with then elected President Nixon and put country before party. Thomas then tries to compare that to the democratic party's attitude before the 2016 Presidential election and says some democrats have not had a single pleasant word for President Trump. (When has Trump ever had a pleasant word for anyone?)
Thomas then questions the patriotism of todays democrats (the usual personal attacks against them by so called conservatives) But Thomas is silent on Trump's relationship with communist Putin and his willingness to collude with Russia and put Russia first over country in order to win election. Thomas is also silent on former speaker of the House, republican Newt Gingrich who vowed to destroy President Clinton, shut the government down and ruled with personal attacks and lies. Nor did he mention the name of republican senator Mitch McConnell who vowed to make President Obama a one term President and would not work with him or help his agenda. He did not bother to mention those two names in his article because it would tell the real story of a republican party who put party before country.
And of course he did not mention Trump who has put himself above country, rejects the country's constitution and institutions, brought shame to the White House and committed traitorous acts and continues to do so, especially with the nations intelligence community. Thomas is Trump's ditto head and partner in blame who refuse to accept responsibility for their own un-American actions and deeds. They truly deserve each other. And when it comes to putting party before the country, it started with the Newt Gingrich era, and continues to this very day with an extreme conservative ideology of the republican party. The November elections told the real story who can be trusted to put country first.
Trump's support for Putin and his lack of respect for American intelligence agencies also have testified to Russian involvement to help Trump win the 2016 election, coupled with the republican party's enabling of Trump, represents all the proof needed how the party has turned their backs on America and its people. And that really says it all.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Thomas then questions the patriotism of todays democrats (the usual personal attacks against them by so called conservatives) But Thomas is silent on Trump's relationship with communist Putin and his willingness to collude with Russia and put Russia first over country in order to win election. Thomas is also silent on former speaker of the House, republican Newt Gingrich who vowed to destroy President Clinton, shut the government down and ruled with personal attacks and lies. Nor did he mention the name of republican senator Mitch McConnell who vowed to make President Obama a one term President and would not work with him or help his agenda. He did not bother to mention those two names in his article because it would tell the real story of a republican party who put party before country.
And of course he did not mention Trump who has put himself above country, rejects the country's constitution and institutions, brought shame to the White House and committed traitorous acts and continues to do so, especially with the nations intelligence community. Thomas is Trump's ditto head and partner in blame who refuse to accept responsibility for their own un-American actions and deeds. They truly deserve each other. And when it comes to putting party before the country, it started with the Newt Gingrich era, and continues to this very day with an extreme conservative ideology of the republican party. The November elections told the real story who can be trusted to put country first.
Trump's support for Putin and his lack of respect for American intelligence agencies also have testified to Russian involvement to help Trump win the 2016 election, coupled with the republican party's enabling of Trump, represents all the proof needed how the party has turned their backs on America and its people. And that really says it all.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Job Creation For January 2019
The U.S. Labor Department reported the U.S. economy created 304,000 jobs in January and that the unemployment rate increased to 4% from the 3.9% in December. It was the 100th straight month of positive job growth. The department also reported (1) Average hourly earnings rose only 0.1%, the smallest since 2017. (2) The 312,000 jobs that were reported to be created in December was revised down big time to 222,000 jobs.
For Trumps first 24 months in office a total of 4,653,000 jobs have been created for an average of 193,875 jobs per month. In President Obama's last 24 months in office a total of 4,931,000 jobs were created for an average of 205,458 jobs per month. Note: As mentioned before the numbers do not reflect the corrections made by the Department of Labor that they make from time to time and does not really change the difference a significant amount.
Other economic and fiscal news released this week reported: (1) The federal budget deficit for this fiscal year which ends 9/30/19 will show another large increase from last years federal budget deficit. (2) The Trump-GOP tax cut did not change Corporate Americas plans for hiring or expansion. (3) New Jersey increased the minimum wage to $15 an hour to be implemented in steps over a certain period of time.
Over 20 states have now raised the minimum wage since the democratic party raised the issue and guess what? The sky is not falling as the republicans predicted.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
For Trumps first 24 months in office a total of 4,653,000 jobs have been created for an average of 193,875 jobs per month. In President Obama's last 24 months in office a total of 4,931,000 jobs were created for an average of 205,458 jobs per month. Note: As mentioned before the numbers do not reflect the corrections made by the Department of Labor that they make from time to time and does not really change the difference a significant amount.
Other economic and fiscal news released this week reported: (1) The federal budget deficit for this fiscal year which ends 9/30/19 will show another large increase from last years federal budget deficit. (2) The Trump-GOP tax cut did not change Corporate Americas plans for hiring or expansion. (3) New Jersey increased the minimum wage to $15 an hour to be implemented in steps over a certain period of time.
Over 20 states have now raised the minimum wage since the democratic party raised the issue and guess what? The sky is not falling as the republicans predicted.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Friday, February 1, 2019
Part IV, The Los Angeles Rams vs. The New Orleans Saints: The Aftermath: Sour Grapes, Excuses and Notes.
Contrary to the continuing story line that the so called "no call" is the reason the Saints are not playing in the Super Bowl is a fairy tale by those who thought the Saints were the best team. But on that day it was the Rams who were the better team and the Ram's coach and quarterback's performance, exceeded Payton's and Brees performance.
And now Payton's comments about the Saints possession on the Rams 13 yard line with under 2 minutes left in the game do not wash. Payton was playing for the field goal and never once threw to the end zone. Instead, he called 2 short passes that were incomplete that stopped the clock. After that mistake it was the Rams all the way. Note: More than 20 years ago, former quarterback Terry Bradshaw made a comment and said, anytime you are inside your opponents 20 yard line and do not throw the ball in the end zone at least once, shame on you. Well the Saints who were on the Rams 13 yard line never even tried to throw in the end zone.
Cam Jordan, Saint defensive end was quoted as saying after the last two playoff losses, it takes a miracle to beat the Saints. No Cam, not a miracle, just bad judgement on the part of the Saints. Note: Brees interception in overtime and the Saint's having to settle for 3 field goals were critical to the Saint's loss. So was Brees low pass to Thomas that fell incomplete.
Note: Did anyone notice on the "no call" how the Saint's receiver never protested the lack of an interference call? He just got up off the ground and walked away. Normally, most receivers say something to the refs when they believe they were interfered with. This writer thought that was strange. We are also now hearing how this season will help the Saints next season for more progress. The usual banter. The Saints regular season success this past year will not determine how good or bad the Saints will perform next year.
The idea of replaying the Rams is so silly. If that would ever take place every team who had a "no call" go against them would have the NFL in court and the league tied up in litigation over other petty complaints. Note: Just suppose for a minute the ref would have flagged the Rams on the play and the Rams challenged the call and won the challenge. As every fan knows, calls are also reversed. Would that have made a difference? Or would the noise be much louder?
The apple polishing sports reporting by sports writers put the Saints on a level well above the reality of objective reporting. There is only one way you can deal with that. Face the facts.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
And now Payton's comments about the Saints possession on the Rams 13 yard line with under 2 minutes left in the game do not wash. Payton was playing for the field goal and never once threw to the end zone. Instead, he called 2 short passes that were incomplete that stopped the clock. After that mistake it was the Rams all the way. Note: More than 20 years ago, former quarterback Terry Bradshaw made a comment and said, anytime you are inside your opponents 20 yard line and do not throw the ball in the end zone at least once, shame on you. Well the Saints who were on the Rams 13 yard line never even tried to throw in the end zone.
Cam Jordan, Saint defensive end was quoted as saying after the last two playoff losses, it takes a miracle to beat the Saints. No Cam, not a miracle, just bad judgement on the part of the Saints. Note: Brees interception in overtime and the Saint's having to settle for 3 field goals were critical to the Saint's loss. So was Brees low pass to Thomas that fell incomplete.
Note: Did anyone notice on the "no call" how the Saint's receiver never protested the lack of an interference call? He just got up off the ground and walked away. Normally, most receivers say something to the refs when they believe they were interfered with. This writer thought that was strange. We are also now hearing how this season will help the Saints next season for more progress. The usual banter. The Saints regular season success this past year will not determine how good or bad the Saints will perform next year.
The idea of replaying the Rams is so silly. If that would ever take place every team who had a "no call" go against them would have the NFL in court and the league tied up in litigation over other petty complaints. Note: Just suppose for a minute the ref would have flagged the Rams on the play and the Rams challenged the call and won the challenge. As every fan knows, calls are also reversed. Would that have made a difference? Or would the noise be much louder?
The apple polishing sports reporting by sports writers put the Saints on a level well above the reality of objective reporting. There is only one way you can deal with that. Face the facts.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
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