Monday, August 13, 2007

Do Republicans really want it to be Rudy vs. Hillary?

As the Hillary bashing continues, it seems that the republicans believe there is only one candidate who can be successful in a general election against Sen. Clinton and thats why this man is leading among republican voters in national polls. The man of which I speak is of course former Mayor Rudy Guiliani. But I must caution you republicans out there, you really should re-think the idea of Rudy being the guy most able to topple Hillary.

It appears to be that Hillary and Rudy are slowly, but surely, switching their positions in the minds of the public. Hillary's positives are rising while her negatives are falling. Rudy is the opposite. His negatives are rising and positives falling. I am guessing that Republicans feel that Rudy can best instill that fear in Americans, you know that same fear of terrorism that Rudy said we shouldn't have on 9/11, because then we would be letting the enemy win, yea, that fear. Its the same fear that won Bush re-election and the same fear that republicans continually try to use to undermine the democrats. Republicans are hoping that once that fear is planted, Rudy will come along and be the savior; be America's knight in shining armor against the terrorists. Well, I hate to break it to the Republicans, but I think the "fear" ship has sailed. Not to mention Rudy has so much past that has yet to be fully exposed. I mean, for God's sake, his kids have said they want nothing at all to do with their father. The man has been married three times. Not to mention all the controversy surrounding what Rudy actually did on 9/11 as opposed to what he says he did. While Rudy has yet to have his past exposed, Hillary's past is completely exposed. She has nothing left to be revealed. The public already knows her flaws and she still wins in the polls. I must warn the GOP, before you put all your money on Guiliani, I would look at some of the other candidates. It might be that someone like Huckabee is the best choice. He isn't a flip-flopper like Romney, he doesn't have the immigration issues McCain has, he isn't the lazy, Bush-like candidate a.k.a. Thompson, and he doesn't have a controversial past like Guiliani. If the GOP want to retain the White House in '08, I suggest they look at some of the lesser-known candidates, as they might be their best options yet!

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