Monday, August 13, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards: Saying what I've been saying all along on Obama

Elizabeth Edwards is someone who I do admire at times, and at other times wish she would shut-up and let her husband run his own campaign. But in the August issue of Progressive Magazine, Mrs. Edwards says something I truly do agree with; in fact it is something I've said for a long long time. Mrs. Edwards writes:

"Obama gives a speech that's likely to be extraordinarily popular in his home district, and then comes to the Senate and votes for funding... so you are going to get people behaving in a holier-than-thou way."

This was Mrs. Edwards of course addressing Sen. Obama's claim to fame which is that unlike the others running, he(Obama) was always against the Iraq War. Well its a good argument, except Obama wasn't even in the U.S. Senate at the time of the Iraq War vote. In fact the only time he's on record saying he was against this war was a statement which he made while in the Illinois State Legislature. As Mrs. Edwards points out, it doesn't take much gut to go out and pander to an anti-war crowd. Obama wasn't in the U.S. Senate, he didn't have the President up in his face, lying to him, telling him a list of reasons why we needed to go to war. I believe that if Iraq did in fact have WMDs and terrorists were in Iraq, planning future attacks on the U.S., then we absolutely had a duty to go into Iraq, and that was the exact proof presented to Congress by Bush. The Congress voted the right way given the information they were given, the only problem was that all the information were lies. And then if Obama was truly against the war when he got elected to Congress, and he had the chance to make a difference, he continually voted to fund the war. Why was it Hillary Clinton, not Obama who asked the Pentagon for withdrawal plans, if Obama truly wanted to get out of Iraq. There's a lack of consistency on Obama's part. Its easy to say something, but something totally different to act on it. And Obama has yet to act.


Anonymous said...

How many people running for the SEnate said what Obama said. You do not like it that Obama stated what he said in 2002. Just like he is talking about lobbist. Let get real and give credit where credit is due and not have Mrs. Edwards take on Obama for no reason at all.

Joseph Patrick said...

I explained why what Obama said shouldn't matter. Hillary & edwards have done more to stop this war than Obama. Obama has been all talk, but has done zero when it comes to action.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the other major candidates needs to call Obama's hand on his claim and give him a direct question to answer. If you had been in the Senate at the time of the war resolution, had been able to vote on the war resolution, like we were, and had been convinced that Iraq had WMDs, had ties to terrorism and was a threat to our safety, how would you have voted?

Scott said...

Hillary is on record while runing for the Senate and fresh out of the White House saying that Saddam had WMD. Bill used that excuse when he bombed them during the impeachment hearings.

Edwards had intel briefs and they said the same thing. Meanwhile, we jerked-off going to the UN and the weapons mysteriously disappeared to Iran or Syria.

Clinton, Obama and Edwards will not be elected. Obama is too inexperienced, Edwards is too effeminate and Clinton has way too much baggage.

Get eady for another four years of GOP control.