Monday, August 13, 2007

The Surge: "not likely to succeed"

Just today, the British Parliament's Foreign Affairs committee, published an oversight on how the government can improve its role in the Iraq War. And lets just say, that they don't exactly agree with what our Mr. Dubya has been saying:

"We conclude that it is too early to provide a definitive assessment of the US ’surge’ but that it does not look likely to succeed. We believe that the success of this strategy will ultimately ride on whether Iraq’s politicians are able to reach agreement on a number of key issues. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government set out what actions it is taking to facilitate political reconciliation in Iraq. We are concerned that the damage done to the Government’s reputation in the Arab and Islamic world may affect its ability to influence the political situation in the Middle East."

So finally us crazy democrats aren't alone on this issue. This is what our democratic leaders have been saying for years. No amount of troops an end this war. Only diplomacy. Now the neo-cons can't just say that us dems are crazy for wanting an end to this war, but they'll also have to conclude that our close ally, Britain, is crazy to, and I'm not sure they really want to do that.

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