Monday, August 13, 2007

Hillary Clinton--the downfall of the Democrats?

There appears to be talk going around the political world that Hillary Clinton, as the democrat's nominee in 2008, would lead the party to a sure defeat. Am I the only one who thinks not? Hillary Clinton's negatives are quickly and steadily dropping and her favorable ratings have soared since last year at this time. She is the only democrat who consistently defeats all of the Republicans in general election polls. Hillary Clinton is not as far-left as Edwards and Obama and appeals to more independents than the other Democratic candidates. She has proved to be the voice of reason and experience in the debates and her centrist views are most in line with main-stream America. As the Chairman of the DLC, Harold Ford, explained on this past Sunday's Meet the Press, the democrats will have to appeal to main-stream america, take the centrist path, in order to capture the White House. Crazy liberals just do not appeal to independent voters, and its those independents who make the difference in these type of elections. If anything I see Hillary Clinton as the democrat most likely to be able to win a general election. Just this past week new polls were released showing Clinton beating the Republican front-runner, Rudy Guiliani, in key states such as Florida and Pennsylvania. She currently is tied with Guiliani in Ohio, which is up from a few months ago when she was losing to him. And in a Texas state poll, Clinton ties with all the Republican front-runners, showing she even has appeal in red states. So while you have Obama, Edwards, and the others courting the far-left liberals, you have Hillary Clinton winning over main-stream America. In my mind, thats how the democrats will win in 2008, by broad appeal, in fact, that is the only way we will win.


Anonymous said...

What we see here is talking points started by the Republicans but has no crditability. She polls so well her supporters will back other democratics who are running for office.

Unknown said...

She is just another political machine who can be bought... it is a question of price. As far as Bill was concerned, he needed sex too.. but she is a little more easy.. just fame and she will say anything to please you.. GO HILLARY.. BUT THE WAY OUT.. and make way for BARACK 08.

Richandler said...

Hillary is just the Democratic version of Bush. She has proposed no change from what we have now. She's a horrible choice for the US. Granted most of the candidates are horrible choices.

Anonymous said...

As a lifelong Democrat, I can't get excited over the prospect of Hillary Clinton. Her husband was a good president and helped this nation move forward in many ways. However, she is too willing to sell out to the highest bidder and straddle the fence. I want a true progressive leading my party for a change, not a Republican-lite.