Monday, February 29, 2016

Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand Comes Clean On His Endorsement Of Former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal

The Times Picayune of 2/26 carried an article concerning Normand's speech before the Metropolitan Crime Commission's reward luncheon on Tuesday.  Normand in his speech was not kind to himself for endorsing and supporting the former governor and said, " I'm a republican but I'm not a hypocrite.  We did this to ourselves, myself included, because I endorsed that idiot.  We drank the elixir for eight years, went to the edge of the cliff and we jumped off and he watched us."

The sheriff also accused Jindal of trying to rewrite history since leaving office and had some unkind words for Grover Norquist and his anti-tax policies and said to hell with him.  Normand admonished the republican leadership in the state for trying to blame governor John Bel Edwards as absolutely incredulous to me.

Normand who is an elected official is very familiar with politics.  As sheriff he is the official tax collector in Jefferson Parish so he knows a little bit about money.  His courage to stand up and be counted is rare for public officials and deserves credit.  But it begs to ask how the state's budget problem and the way it was handled for 8 years took so long for Normand to come to the conclusion he expressed in the article.

Hopefully, other republicans in the state will take a cue from sheriff Normand and express to the republicans in the legislature to work with governor Edwards to over come this fiscal problem and put Louisiana's budget back on track that reflects reality and a long term solution.  The state and its people deserve nothing less.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Thursday Night's Republican Presidential Debate

The republican party took its latest Presidential debate to Houston, Texas but the circus was the same.  It has become a ditto head debate where personal attacks continue to fly, positions continue to change and the word LIAR has become a staple in the debate process.  And once again, the moderators lost control.  Kennedy and Nixon would never have participated in such a farce.  Worst of all the moderators seem to enjoy the candidates speaking over each other.

After the debate the pundits gave their recap and still have no clue why Trump is leading a republican party and its candidates who are incompetent, unqualified and void of any accomplishments on the national level.  Trump himself still is unable to articulate how he would make Mexico pay for his wall.  He had an opportunity during the debate to tell the American people but failed to over come former Mexico President Fox's comment that Mexico would do no such thing.   SCORE:  Mexico 1  Trump 0.

Ben Carson was the most calm on the debate stage and gave the best answers.  In fact when the moderator passed him up on several questions he used his time to go back and comment on them.  John Kasich, the candidate who this writer believes is the better one went off the deep end concerning President Obama and foreign policy and is still falsely claiming that he balanced the federal budget when he served in congress during the Clinton years.  "PolitiDose"carried a past commentary that pointed out Kasich had nothing to do with Clinton's balanced budgets and explained why.

Donald Trump still does not understand arithmetic.  Republicans have that problem when it comes to tax cuts, balancing the budget and the national debt.  Trump could not answer the question on what would he cut that would pay for his tax plan that would cost the government $10 trillion over 10 years.  That tax plan would cut corporate income tax, cut taxes for the wealthy and represents trickle down economics at its worst.  There is no way you can take $10 trillion out of government revenue and balance the federal budget.  Reagan and Bush 43 tried it and could not do it and their tax plans was smaller.  They had 16 years to balance the budget ( eight years each) and failed big time.  In fact the national debt rose 186% in Reagan's fiscal 8 years and 105% in Bush's eight fiscal years.  Those Presidents hold the record of the largest percentage increase in the national debt in the last 50 plus years.

Cruz and Rubio are like little boys and can not even function as U. S. Senators.  Their so called conservatism has overwhelmed them and reduced their ability to even compete concerning simple matters.  One quotes Reagan all the time and the other quotes the constitution, but neither can get it right.  The republican Presidential candidates presents a problem to the republican voters.  Their choices are limited to candidates who hate the government they want to represent, lack the qualities to be President, have no political understanding on the issues and love to be divisive.  They also belong to a party that has no record of creating a lasting economy and are terrible when it comes to job creation.

Despite Trumps pronouncements, America is a great country.  Where else on earth would a people put up with such a political party that turns the debate process into a circus of fools?

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hillary Clinton Is More Credible Than The News Media

The cable news networks just struck out for the third time.  The first two strikes were over Benghazi and her e-mails.  The networks ran them as a scandal which does not exist.  Congress held hearings on both and Clinton testified under oath and congress found nothing.

Now the cable networks are promoting a new scandal.  They want copies of Clinton's speeches to Wall Street.  Never mind this is a new twist never demanded before.  It comes about because Clinton's opponent Bernie Sanders is running against Wall Street and thinks Clinton will be controlled by them.  Some republican candidates have jumped on the band wagon but guess what?  Hillary Clinton is on record as saying she would raise taxes on Corporate America and the wealthy who are Wall Street.  While Trump, Rubio, Cruz and Bush said they would lower the tax rate for those same folks.  Its some thing Reagan and Bush did so the facts say it is the republicans who are committed to Wall Street.  Don't hold your breath and wait for cable news to point out this fact.  They are in denial.

So its strike three for the news media on Clinton's speeches and once again there is no scandal.  Cable news continues to try and fill up time with non stories and fails flat on their face.  MSNBC says they are "the place for politics", Fox news says they are fair and balanced and the no spin zone and CNN claims to be the "situation room."  This writer has the cable news number.  Tune them out and tune in "PolitiDose", your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The GOP In The Louisiana State Legislature Has To Step Up To The Plate. Part I

Governor John Bel Edwards  has outlined a plan to the republican controlled state legislature that includes raising state revenue and cutting spending.  Also outlined was drastic cuts that will hurt if revenue is not found to off set those cuts.  So far after one week the special session that was called to address the problem has seen little results from the legislature.

The republicans have to step up to the plate and make the hard choices necessary to reverse the fiscal calamity they themselves helped to create with Jindal by using gimmicks and fairy tale numbers that did not exist. (Like those WMD in Iraq)  Senator Alario and others whose long service is bragged about in the news media have to come clean and support the governor's plans or come up with solutions themselves to solve the financial calamity.  GOP excuses are not longer available or allowed.

It has been said that Louisiana was rolling in money the last two years of governor Blanco's administration because of all the federal revenue that came into the state after Katrina.  Well, governor Blanco, a democrat did not blow it all and in fact left office with a $787 million surplus that landed right in Jindal's lap when he took office.  Jindal and the republicans were not so kind to governor Edwards and left his administration a record $3 billion state deficit thanks to 8 years of previous phony budgets

The fiscal mess has to be addressed by the special session and then the regular session in an honest way where by the can no longer gets kicked down the road.  Only then can the governor and the legislature provide for a stable long term solution when the words BALANCED BUDGET will no longer be a laughing matter.  If the legislators do their job this special session and the next regular session with out the usual gimmicks they can then move onto the most important element of a real long term solution for future growth.  
\That element is to take on the job of tax reform and the failed policies to special interest groups.  That will be the subject of Part II.   Stay tuned.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, February 22, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Win Their Party's Caucus and Primary

Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won Saturday's Nevada Caucus over Senator Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump won the South Carolina primary over his republican opponents.  Clinton and Sanders continue to run closely with only a few percentage points of separation.  Trumps win was double digit because of the crowded field but that should change as another republican candidate Jeb Bush dropped out with a poor showing in the South Carolina primary.

This writer thought Clinton had a great night last Thursday night in Las Vegas at the town hall meeting moderated by MSNBC.  Sanders went first before the people but Clinton shined when her time came to face the same audience and was better prepared.  Next stop for both is the South Carolina primary on Feb. 27.  At this writing the polls give Clinton a double digit lead over Sanders there.

Trump's victory in South Carolina kept the poll numbers true and captured 33% of the vote to Rubio and Cruz's 22%.  After seeing reports on cable news and listening to Rubio's remarks you would thing his second place finish was as good as winning.  Not bad if they can sell that and the voters buy it.  Speculation has also  begun on which candidate will benefit from Jeb dropping out of the race.  Ohio governor John Kasich now says it is a four man race and includes himself even though his South Carolina vote percentage was single digit and way back in the vote tally.

Trump cut Jeb's legs off at the very beginning of the campaign with his personal attacks and Bush never really got started.  As a result, there will be no Bush dynasty in the White House next year.  And for those who spoke of a Clinton dynasty, forget about it because it can't happen.  Not that she won't win because she can win.  If she does win it will not be a Clinton dynasty because Hillary is only a Clinton by marriage and does not have a Clinton gene passed down to her.  There is a difference.

The democratic and republican campaigns are becoming more in focus and come early March the American people are going to have a much greater insight as to what two candidates will likely face each other in the general election.  The democratic debates will continue to out perform the republican debate circus and inject some needed civility in the process.  That is the good news concerning the debates.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Times Picayune and The States Budget

Times Picayune writer Julia O'Donoghue in the issue of 2/14 wrote a long article titled, "How Louisiana got into this financial mess" and opined the same story her editorial department likes to talk about seven years too late.  Her story never got around to satisfy her story's title.  The answer escapes Julia and the news media because they lack the courage to tell the real story.

The answer how Louisiana got into this financial mess is really basic, that is Louisiana governor Jindal, a republican who lives a conservative ideology and believes the state can give away its fundamental revenue base, plus $8 billion a year in tax breaks to business, cut spending and balance the state budget and every thing will work out.  Yet all of his budgets were out of balance and now the state faces an almost $3 billion deficit, $943 million before the end of this fiscal year that ends 6/30/16 and a $2 Billion projected state deficit for next fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016.

Jindal inherited a $787 million surplus from former governor Kathleen Blanco and blew it big time as George W. Bush blew President Clinton's balanced budgets and surpluses into deficit spending in his very first fiscal year and all 8 years that he served.  Jindal and Bush were brothers in deficit spending.  Julia in her article is silent about the $8 billion in business tax breaks.  Those tax breaks have not created a growing economy, new jobs, lowered the unemployment rate(it was 3.8% when Jindal took office) or balanced the budget.  The $8 billion of tax give away to business represents 32% of the states yearly budget.  Louisiana can not afford to give up that much revenue and balance the budget.

State treasurer John Kennedy still says the state has a spending problem and not a revenue problem and continues the conservative ideology that has failed on the state and national level.  J.R. Ball, a conservative writer who's articles usually appear in the Times Picayune editorial section and a supporter of Jindal has swallowed the koolaid of the state having a spending problem and has no credibility on the state's budget problem.  Nor does he have any answers.  His editorial opinion in the TP of 2/19 is so childish.

This writers state representative in 2012 sent a news letter to all in his district recapping what took place at the state legislative session of 2012 and one of the many things he reported is as follows and I quote:  ONE NOTE ON BALANCING THE BUDGET;  AN INTERIM STUDY OF TAX EXPENDITURES WILL BE CONDUCTED TO INVESTIGATE THE $8 BILLION DOLLARS LOST IN REVENUE BECAUSE OF TAX EXEMPTIONS, CREDITS AND REBATES, SOME OF WHICH MAY BE OUT OF DATE.  (end of quote)

Well, it is now 2016, four years later and I have received no notice what that study reported or if it was ever done.  I wonder if Julia knows and if the study was done and completed what were the results.  The news media never talks about this $8 billion drain on the state's revenue.  Neither does business or those who support this massive tax give away to business.  By the way, this writer still has a copy of the news letter in his possession if Julia would like to see it.

The bottom line is if business needs special tax breaks out side the ones that apply to business, such as depreciation and etc., then the business is not a sound one and have no business being in a system of free enterprise.  There is no such thing as free enterprise when states and the federal government have to give out special and extra tax favors to business.

Let me ask this question.  Is there any one out there that thinks business can afford to give away to charity 32% of its revenue and survive?  Every one knows the answer is no.  Well, Louisiana can not afford to do that either and service the needs of the state and its people.  It is time for the state legislature to bring an end to this silly notion of corporate welfare.  It is also time for state and the federal government to shed the fairy tale that business needs special tax breaks and tax loop holes to survive in the business world.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, February 18, 2016

What Defines The Next President For What The Voters Really Want?

The cable news networks, many of their guest, other pundits and even some voters themselves say they want some one on the outside of government or Washington.  They lump everyone in that category even  those who have held elected office though that office is out side of Washington such as state governors.  The only two Presidential candidates that fit that description are Donald Trump and Ben Carson.

If voters really believe that and that is the reason Trump is leading his republican opponents all one has to do is remember the election of George W. Bush as President over a sitting Vice President named Al Gore.  The voters thought of Bush as an outsider in that race and a tough talking republican who was going to keep America safe and keep the economy humming.  He accomplished neither one.

Bush inherited all that was good, the greatest economy, the best job creation record, full employment, balanced budgets with surpluses and he blew it all because of his lack of experience and political understanding.  The voters said he was a guy they would like to have a beer with, then turned against him and Bush left office with a miserable job performance record.

Will the American voters want to try that failed experiment again with another tough talking outsider named Donald Trump?  Like Bush, Trump has no policy positions, just talk and the talk in last Saturday's republican debate turned out to be another circus fiasco with the word liar being tossed around like the candidates were in a bar.  It got so bad the moderator lost control of the debate.

President Obama served in congress when he was elected President and had little prior experience but he did possess political understanding and turned the country around for the better over all.  He knew tough talk and a conservative ideology were not policy and that what America needed was a steady hand and he provided that leadership.

If the voters want a President who lacks the experience  of having political understanding then the future will once again be like the failed past.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The UnAmerican Republicans In Congress: Unfit To Uphold The U.S. Constitution.

Mitch McConnell, republican majority leader of the U.S. Senate wants President Obama to let the next President name the next Supreme Court Justice to replace Anthony Scalia who died recently.  He even said he would not take up the nomination in the Senate if the President does not go along.  The President quickly announced he would fulfill his constitutional duty and appoint the next Justice.

McConnell is the same senator who vowed not to work with Obama after he was elected President.  He and his republican ditto heads still think they should run government even after they lose elections.  One can not get any more UnAmerican than that.  The party thinks every thing is okay for a republican President to nominate his choice but would deny a democratic President to do the same.  Republicans preach the constitution then trample all over it.  And of course, their party's Presidential candidates are falling in line also demanding that Obama leave the appointment to the new President in 2017.

It is good to see the President exercising his powers to take care of the business of the country and its people.  President Obama told the people he would not be a lame duck his last year in office and he is keeping his promise.  On the other hand, the leaders of the republican party are revealing who they really are and their lack of Americanism.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Thursday Nights PBS Democratic Presidential Debate

Finally a debate with two moderators who were interested in having the candidates answer questions on subjects that are real issues in the campaign.  There was no show business or circus atmosphere that has prevailed in prior debates especially the republican debates.  PBS's Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff were the moderators and were the very first women duo to moderate a Presidential debate and what a job they did.  They did what a moderator should do and made Megyn Kelly and Maria Bartiromo look so unprofessional.  One of the things this writer liked was the fact that when the debate ended it was all over.  No Post show to analyize what the candidates said.

Both Clinton and Sanders stood their grown and hit on each other and both spoke clearly.  Sanders continues to believe his signature issue concerning the wall street banks and campaign contributions are the road map to winning the democratic nomination.  Clinton scored points in her closing statement by saying  the nations problems go beyond two issues and named the problems.  Clinton is also willing to defend the President's policies that ended the great republican economic recession of 2008, the massive job loses, lowering the unemployment rate and reducing deficit spending.

This writer would like to see more debates moderated by PBS and Ifill and Woodruff.  They moved the debate along, stuck to the questions, did not give the debate an opening to get out of hand and ended on time.  Ifill and Woodruff were professionals and would not let show business creep into the debate.

The voters, the candidates, PBS, the process and the moderators all came out a winner.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, February 12, 2016

The New Hampshire Primary Is History: Nevada and South Carolina Are Up Next

The Presidential primaries are in full swing and New Hampshire provided no surprises.  Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders finished first for their parties just like the polls predicted and by a large margin.  Ohio's governor John Kasich's second place finish  on the republican side should be no surprise since he sits a little outside the republican mainstream.

The cable news networks and their pundits were all over the lot as to why Trump and Sanders won and are acting like New Hampshire was the "big test" to future primaries.  Their notion that the vote for Sanders was a vote against the establishment is a fairy tale.  Sanders has been a member of the establishment for over 25 years as a member of congress.  He also votes with the democratic majority on most issues and serves on various democratic committees.

Trump is not of the republican establishment because he has never been in an elective office.  But that is not why Trump won New Hampshire.  With no conservative credentials he has been able to attack his fellow republicans successfully pointing out his opponents lack of success of getting things done and accomplishing very little.  Democrats have rightly pointed that out many times over for many years but the republican base and the news media took that as partisan politics which it is not.  So Trumps charges carry more weight since it comes from another republican.  Trump has managed to have his republican opponents attack each other and disregard Reagan's 11th commandment of never speaking ill about a fellow republican.

The New Hampshire primary took two more republican casualties in New Jersey governor Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina who withdrew and or suspended their campaigns.  Carson may well be the one who follows.  The next republican debate may well end up with only five debaters, Trump, Cruz, Kasich, Rubio and Bush.   So look for all five to really attack each other while campaigning in South Carolina.  It could get ugly.

The best thing that could happen to the republican party is to have Trump and Kasich in the driver's seat because Trump is no conservative and Kasich does not rely on a conservative ideology in most of his decision making process.  The republican party as it stands today is a right wing conservative party whose ideology is unAmerican in nature and has lost the ideals of Americanism.  What should be troubling to the party is that a person like Trump has emerged instead of a true republican willing to stand up to the right wing that started long ago with Newt Gingrich.

On the democratic side of the New Hampshire primary this writer does not agree with the pundits, especially those at MSNBC who are pushing Senator Sanders as an outsider and not a part of the establishment.  His signature issue concerning the wall street banks and campaign contributions are not new issues that make him an outsider.  Hillary Clinton served in congress 8 years and was the appointed Secretary of State for 4 years.  Her time in Washington in positions of authority are much less that Sanders 25 plus years in congress.

This writer is willing to let the results of the primaries speak for themselves.  At the end of the process the real story will be told and the majority of the talk by the news media between now and then will make a lot of pundits look silly.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Eighth Republican Presidential Debate

Many, many years ago when this writer was a young teenager there was a saying, "Second verse, same as the first, instead of getting better its getting worse."  Saturday nights republican debate brought back memories of that saying and was a reminder how and why little progress has been made by the republican party under its conservative ideology.

The candidates answers on the economy, job creation, unemployment, foreign policy and deficit spending was the same verse we heard before that has failed big time.  Trickle down economics tax cuts that favor business and the wealthy are still being pushed, the same policies that destabilized the middle east are still being proposed and Ted Cruz's attempt to give President Reagan credit for the release of the American hostages in Iran failed the test of historical facts.

Rubio made a point of saying free enterprise was the greatest economic system in the world and that government should stay out.  But the fact of the matter is free enterprise has been dead in America for a long period of time.  Why?  Well because of corporate welfare the free enterprise system has lost its reason to compete and competition is what free enterprise is all about.  Rubio and his friends in congress have destroyed the free enterprise system.

And of course the republican candidates keep repeating the same verse about corporate America being over taxed.  Yet year in and year out the IRS reports that they pay an effective tax rate of between 12-13%.  That is the same number that Mitt Romney reported on his tax when he was the republican nominee in the 2012 election.  The ABC moderators let all that slip by like a bunch of dumb bunnies.

The other sad verse the viewers heard was the seven year old standard republican ditto head pronouncement that President Obama has ruined the country, etc, etc, etc.  Saturday nights debate had the least candidates on the debate stage, a situation that should have allowed more quality questions with more quality answers, but all this writer heard was, "Second verse, same as the first, instead of getting better its getting worse."

To bad the moderators and the candidates had such little respect for the debate process and the American people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Nations Unemployment Rate For January Falls To 4.9%

The U.S. Labor Department reported the January unemployment rate fell to 4.9% from the 5% in December and the economy created 151,000 jobs.  It was the 71st straight month of positive job growth.  The job numbers was some what lower than anticipated but keeps the economic expansion moving forward.  The President should continue to take what ever measures are necessary so the country can be at full employment.

The unemployment rate when President Obama took office was 7.8% a decline of 2.9% in his seven years in office so far.  It was 4.2% when President George W. Bush took office and 7.8% when he left office.  An increase of 3.6% in the unemployment rate on his watch.  The highest sustained unemployment rate in the last 55 years took place on President Reagan's watch when it stayed above 10% for 10 straight months from September 1982 to June 1983.  The republican party and its Presidential candidates still can not bring themselves to say any thing positive about the President's administration.  Jealousy has a corrosive effect on the republican party and they also have a complex about their own failure to walk the conservative talk.

Understanding the past is still the key to a better future and that is why the country and its people always do best on the democratic watch.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note:  Information above on unemployment taken from U.S. Labor Departments Historic Monthly record on unemployment.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Thursday's Night Democratic Presidential Debate

The MSNBC network moderated debate was a good one because of the two candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders who are experienced in political matters.  The moderators did move the debate along without any major problems.  The people of New Hampshire ended up the winner and should have learned first hand just how committed the two candidates are.

This writer thought the one area of failure was too much time spent on the wall street banks and money in politics.  I say that because the moderators failed to really probe those issues.  The wall street banks monopoly and political contributions are two sides of the same coin and are Bernie Sander's signature lead in story.  So is the Supreme Courts decision in Citizens United that said Corporations are PEOPLE and can spend unlimited amounts of money on campaigns.

Everyone knows the economical and political power the wall street banks possess and how corrupt campaign contributions are and that politicians lack the character or courage to do any thing about it.  The news media just winks at the problem because they make millions of dollars off campaign ads.  So any time an elected official brings up the problem as Sanders did in the debate  the moderators should have put the following questions to Sanders. (Note:  the same would apply to any elected official.  Sanders just happened to be the one there at the debate to bring the subject up.)

A)     Senator Sanders, you have served in congress over 20 years.  Have you ever introduced a measure before congress urging the President or congress to break up the wall street banks?  If so when and if not why not?

B)    Senator Sanders, since the Supreme Court ruled Corporations are PEOPLE have you ever introduced a measure before congress to eliminate all the tax loop holes and special tax breaks corporations receive since the Court said they are PEOPLE?  Since they are PEOPLE treat them like PEOPLEand eliminate all the tax loop holes and special tax treatment.

This writer is of the opinion the Supreme Court opened the door for congress to use the decision to treat Corporations as PEOPLE and there fore eliminate all the goodies they receive.  Treat them like all other PEOPLE and it will automatically produce campaign finance reform and cost the government zero to enforce.  Take away the corporate welfare and they will not be so willing to contribute to political campaigns.  In other words stop trying to change the courts decision concerning Citizens United and use the courts ruling against them.

Thursday nights debate and the previous democratic debates tell this writer Hillary Clinton is the best qualified candidate.  Her answers are the most complete and knowledgeable.  On issues out side the wall street banks and campaign contributions, Sanders seems to be less informed on the issues and also less knowledgeable.

Time will tell if the Senators campaign approach will be enough to win the democratic nomination.  It is starting to wear thin on this writer because too many important issues are being shoved aside and not even talked about.  The debates ( REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS) also present a problem by having network journalists moderate them.  Journalists do not represent the interest of the average citizen at the debates.  And that is where the problem starts.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Iowa Caucus Is History And Now Its On To New Hampshire

Hillary Clinton won the Iowa democratic caucus with 49.9%  and Ted Cruz won the Iowa republican caucus with 27.7%.  The final poll taken the day before the vote had Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders in the lead of their respective party.  The Clinton-Sanders match up could not have been any closer to a tie.  Clinton won 21 delegates and Sanders 20.

The Iowa results ended four candidates campaign, three republicans, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum and U.S. Senator Rand Paul.  One democrat in former Gov. Mark O'Mally who all announced they were suspending their campaign.  The New Hampshire primary scheduled for next week will probably claim more once the results are in.  It was estimated that about 187,000 Iowa caucus voters cast their votes which represents only 8% of Iowa's electorate.  That is not a good representative number and is an example why the primaries are more important in the nominating process.

Republican Donald Trump, a non office holder came in second with 24.3% and that was a larger percentage cast for Paul, Bush, Christie, Santorum, Kasich and Huckabee combined who are all office holders or former office holders.  And Trump admitted the fact that he only had a small staff of workers working Iowa.

The pundits, especially those on the Cable networks are busy telling the public what happened in Iowa and as usual are just filling up air time with the same old cliches and hype.  The best news out of the Iowa caucus was the closeness in the democratic race.  The democratic debates helped the caucus voters understand the positions of Clinton and Sanders because of the substance of those debates.  That was lacking in the republican debates and as a result the caucus system was all over the lot.

The New Hampshire primary will be a different story because all eligible voters will be allowed to vote their choice.  What happened in Iowa will not matter.  The polls at the moment show Trump and Sanders with large margins ahead of their opponents but the candidates have a chance to change that because they will have an opportunity to have their base turn out at the polls to cast their ballots.

The primaries, the debates and the campaigns will be interesting to see how it all unfolds and who will be the survivors.  The news media will continue to pick sides but the people still have the last word with their vote and take that responsibility as a serious challenge.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio