Monday, August 1, 2011

A Failure In Leadership: Kicking The Can Farther Down The Road

The President and leadership of both parties in congress just kicked the debt limit can down the road again by an agreement on the debt ceiling that is in stages and does not address the problem. In fact it is an agreement that is open ended with no closure.

The President's lack of leadership and courage in dealing with the republican's anti American ideology is a preview of things to come for our nation and its people. The President caved on all the issues he said he supported, revenue enhancement, long term debt limit until after the election and not in stages, a fair and balanced approach and too many other issues he said he believed in.

President Obama and the leaders of congress showed their cowardice by their decision to appoint a super committee to do the work they themselves were elected to do. One can be sure the committee will fail and I will have a future commentary on that subject. Obama's decision to embrace this so called compromise and caving in to those who are responsible in the first place for the national debt to be a problem illustrates just how weak a leader he is. President's Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy would have called out the republicans for what they are, a bunch of hypocritical liers and fiscal thieves.

The President and the democratic party were on the right side of the issue when they opposed extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and on the right side of the issue concerning the debt ceiling with a balanced approach that would have increased revenue by canceling the tax loop holes and corporate welfare for Corporate America and could have made both cases if handled properly. The President's weakness, lack of leadership and courage on both issues is a prelude to what the average American is in store for.

President Obama has shed all the positive positions he took during the campaign and does not even have a message anymore that he is able to articulate. He talked about having lines in the sand he would never cross, but he let the republican's hot air move those lines back over and over again.

The President has failed his responsibility to the American people who elected him to lead instead of being led. The excuse that this is the best deal he could get indicates the President has been overwhelmed and does not understand what the Presidency is all about. Congress is beyond hope because they suck up to corporate America and the special interest lobby. The President does not have to put up with that and the constitution gives him the authority to look after the well being of the nation and its people. The President lacks those leadership qualities and the courage to step up to the plate and fulfill his constitutional responsibility and duties.