Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Sickness In The White House Continues To The Very End.

 The sickness and mental unfitness of President Trump continues with less than two months left in office.  The sickness is ending just like it started in 2016 with unfounded claims of massive voter fraud only the ending is worse because of Trump's desire to litigate the election in the courts instead of the people's vote.  He even went so far as to brag about stacking the Supreme Court so they would decide the election in his favor.

So Donald Trump will end his Presidency as a self serving "sicko" whose anti-Democratic rhetoric and actions will go down in history as the first American President to undermine the constitution, the rule of  law, our institutions and the morality of America.  He has earned the title of being a "deplorable" person who lives the life of lying no matter what.  His hatred of America's democratic process of transition and his refusal to co-operate with President-elect Joe Biden and the smooth transition of government change is the height of betrayal and a planned rejection of the peaceful transfer of power.

The many traitorous acts of this President justified his impeachment by the U.S. House and his acquittal by the GOP controlled Senate are the reason the country is still dealing with this sick and mentally unfit President's attempt to undermine American democracy and the election process.  The country and its people can start a new beginning on January 20 when President-elect Joe Biden is installed as the 46th President of the United States.  That is the day when America can "Build Back Better" as Joe Biden says we can do and also the day the voters can hold the GOP responsible for their obstruction that is sure to come.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

President-Elect Joe Biden Certified The Winner In The State Of Georgia

Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Governor Brian Kemp certified that democratic President-elect Joe Biden won the state of Georgia and its 16 electoral votes in the November 3 election.  A hand recount triggered by Georgia's election laws confirmed the original vote that had Biden ahead in the vote count. 

President-elect Biden is the first democratic Presidential candidate to win the state since 1992.  It was a great win for Biden in a state won by Trump in the 2016 election and one thought to be dominated by Trump in this years election.  It was a real democratic blue wave of votes that flocked to the polls to vote and increased their 2016 vote registration close to a million new voters.

So now all eyes are on Georgia's two U.S. Senate run off races scheduled for early January.  The out come will decide what party will control the U.S. Senate which at present is controlled by the GOP.  The stakes could not be higher, but more important is the fact that Joe Biden is the President-elect.

Biden not only ran a better campaign that Trump, he let his fellow Americans know he would not run a campaign that put the public's life at risk with a virus pandemic still out of control.  The health and safety of America and its people were in the President-elect's thoughts.  The bottom line to the vote was that the people of Georgia spoke loud and clear.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio