Friday, January 23, 2015

Louisiana's Bobby Jindal and The Fox News Network

Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal once again showed his true colors when he went to Europe and spoke about the "No Go Zones" scattered about the country.  It was the same story the Fox News Network ran with a few days earlier.  Fox News had to apologize and did so on 3 or 4 occasions for pushing the phony story but Jindal never did apologize.

The Mayor of Paris is reported to possibly looking at a suit against Fox News for their slander reporting.  Other leaders in Europe have criticized Jindal and Fox News for their fairy tale reporting.  Neither Fox nor Jindal could identify where the "No Go Zones" were located when asked.  Those "No Go Zones" are as elusive as Iraq's WMD and the scandal called Benghazi that was fabricated by the Fox News Network.

The propaganda of Fox and Jindal is just one of too many examples of their radical conservative ideology.  Both will say any thing to get recognized and facts are not part of their vocabulary.  Jindal will be leaving office in another 12 months and will leave Louisiana in the same sad fiscal shape as George W. Bush left the United States in.  His successor will have to pick up the carnage like President Obama had to do.

The Fox News defines free speech as placing blame, division, a lack of being truthful and the fabricator of scandals that do not exist.  Fox is the network that relishes its role in decieving its own viewers.  They and Jindal are Toxic to American ideals and values.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio