Wednesday, December 21, 2016

"PolitiDose:" On The Right Side Of History.

Early on during the part of the republican Presidential primaries this writer in commentary pointed out that despite the republican disclaimers about Donald Trump, he and the party were one and the same and would support him at the voting booth and if elected, support his policies.

And despite Trumps involvement with Russia's interference in the Presidential elections and his continued position of keeping his business interests while serving as President therefore a conflict of interest, republicans are still behind Trump with their support.

They have been joined by the conservative journalists who write opinion columns for the major newspapers across the United States.  Those same journalists used disclaimers about Trump during the primaries because they thought and even predicted a Clinton win.  But they voted for Trump because conservatives were willing to sell their soul and even American democracy to elect a republican President.

Yet every day we learn how Trump has no intentions of following any moral code of conduct that American Presidents have honored and carried out which has been the hallmark of what America is all about.  It is why the United States is respected around the world.  Trump's cry baby tweets, corrupt attitude, revenge motivation and willingness to use the Presidency for personal gain is completely out of step with our Presidential history.

Trump and the republican party have already contributed greatly to a regression in Presidential politics and the party has control of both houses of congress and the White House.  And make no mistake, it is just the beginning.  PolitiDose called the shot first and early on while the news media in general continue to be passive in their unprecedented coverage of Trump.  Make no mistake, on January 20 when Trump takes office he will enter the White House as a tainted President.   And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio