Saturday, June 24, 2017

Politically Correct or Incorrect

Those words mean different things to different people and were tossed around during the 2016 Presidential election especially by Trump, his supporters and the news media.  Trump did not speak correct politically and his supporters loved it and the news media accepted it.  The trio tried to sell political correctness as out of style and out of touch with the people.

The problem being out right lies and fake news was substituted for speaking politically correct by Trump and carried over to his administration which now corrupts the political system and the Presidency itself.  Trump would like nothing better than to convince America and its elected officials that politicians should not speak correctly.  That would validate his lies and fake news which he would love.  His actions as President after more than five months in office shows he has no intentions of speaking politically correct.

Conservative opinion writers have joined Trump in his "fake news and politically incorrect talk" with their commentary and even use many of Trump's same words, especially when it comes to the ACA, the Russia-Trump link and the James Comey matter.  Some like conservative writer David Brooks in a recent column who tried to down play the Russia-Trump link and instead went off the deep end concerning Whitwater (Clinton years) that produced nothing but egg on the republicans face.

The greatest American Presidents spoke "politically correct" and that is why they were successful and enjoy a place of honor in the record we call HISTORY.  President Trump will never achieve that distinction because he is a President who has tainted the White House using a planned policy of "political incorrectness" and fake news." (In other words, lies)  The President has under minded every thing good about America and the highest office in the land.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio