Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Unbalanced News Media: A Disgrace In American Journalism and It's Obligation To Inform;

 The Internet and Cable News are flooded each day and night with commentary from media sources in general, individuals, polls, organizations, the GOP and the major networks whose commentaries are unbalanced and gives priority to negative thoughts.  Every day the negative news is about a predicted recession that changes daily, the President's low poll numbers, Biden is in over his head, Inflation is almost as high as the 1980's (it is not), Biden's energy policy is to blame for everything, the economy is a wreck (it is actually good) the coming recession will be historic, the President is inept, the American worker is being left behind, etc.,etc., and etc.  The negative unbalanced dead beat goes on and on and that is what people read, see and hear.

The news is never balanced with the positive news of the economy with the best job creation ever after a GOP recession that lost over 21 million jobs.  It put America back to work and with wages that increased over 5% in 2021 and are still increasing at the same rate so far this year.  An unemployment rate of 3.6%, it was 6.3% when Trump left office.  An economy that grew 5.7% in 2021, the highest rate of growth since the 1980's and over 8 million jobs added to the economy in only 16 months.  Consumers are spending and have been since Biden took office thanks to the President's COVID relief legislation and infrastructure package.  The transition from fossil fuels to a more stable energy source friendly to the environment.  Lower deficits, a more stable alliance with our NATO allies standing against Russia.  A democratic President and democratic controlled congress instead of a traitorous President and GOP.  A democratic party willing to stand up to Trump and his GOP operatives who tried to steal the 2020 President election.  A January 6 committee of congress with the character and courage to stand up, investigate and expose the threat to democracy that Trump and his operatives took  upon themselves to accomplish.  That investigation started it's public hearings this week.

The positive news for America and its people out weigh the negative news ever since President Biden took office.  But you never hear that from the unbalanced news media and it's sources.  This writer actually predicted the negative slant the media would take in commentary before the President took office.  The media actually has such a predictable record of such unbalanced news in the past.  And to top it off, many in the media are still enabling Trump, predicting he will run again in 2024 and taking polls on a Trump-Biden re-mach.

The public is fed so much unbalanced news to the extent it influences thinking.  That is why lies and mis-information play a major role in their unbalanced news.  As a result the January 6 committee has the task of informing the American people just how traitorous Trump  and his operatives were in their insurrection to over throw the democratic process of the Presidential election of 2020.  They attempted to over throw the peaceful transfer of power to a new administration.  The media looked the other way and never told the American people how democracy died on that day of insurrection and the damage it inflicted.  But every day the media can find time to be unbalanced and negative.

The American voter should  turn off all thoughts of electing a GOP controlled congress in the November elections.  The facts and the records are clear, the democratic party are best at governing America and on every issue.  All the media and the GOP have left are lies, mis-information and unbalanced news.  All a by-product of their inability to lead, govern and a un-American attitude.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio