Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why we need Democrats to be elected in 2008: (a special editorial by John Lucia)

The United States and its people will be better off in 2008 if the Democrat majority is returned to Congress and a Democrat is elected President. Unlike Republicans, Democrats do not meet every day to discuss talking points and then flood the airways and repeat the same, worn-out, self-serving statements over and over again like robots.

Republicans stick together and rubber stamp anything a Republican President wants. All one has to do is look at the first six years of Bush's administration with the Republican controlled congress. They gave Mr. Bush every thing he asked for. When you have that kind of rubber stamp there is not only no debate, but issues don't matter. To them, it is their politics over the needs of the American people.

Democrats provide the balance within their own party even when there is a Democratic president. Democrats are more independent thinkers and are more in tune to getting the job done correctly because they have more viewpoints and will consider alternatives. That stands well for the country and its people and is in keeping with the checks and balances of government.

A good example is their positions on the war in Iraq. They want to end the war but have their own individual ideas about how to best do so. The Republicans just rubber stamp the Bush war positions and have no original thought.

Democrats offer a debate on the issues that affect our country. That is good for our people because problems must be solved with facts instead of ideology.

Republicans preach fiscal responsibility then give us the largest deficits in the history of the U.S. That is what has happened in the first 6 years of Bush's administration and the republican control of congress. Both the President and the republican controlled congress will go down in history as the "Rubber Stamp Administration".

Journalist like to say the Democrats are divided, but being elected by the people, Democrats understand that just because they belong to a certain party, it does not mean to just go with the flow. It means you have to be independent of thought in order to come up with the right solutions to solve problems and have a real, meaningful debate.

Republicans can't have any independent thought or departure from their ideology. Mr. Paul O'Neill, Mr. Bush's first Secretary of the Treasury said it best when he reported in his book that when a cabinet meeting was called concerning a subject matter, he found that the decision had already been made and that there was no process. When there is no process and discussions there is no real debate.

A Democratic President and Congress will insure a debate on the issues and their independent thought will insure the checks and balances needed to really have a government represented by the people.