Friday, March 10, 2017

Another Good Jobs Report For February

The U.S. Labor Department announced that the economy created 235,000 jobs in February and the unemployment rate fell to 4.7%.  It was the 77th straight month of positive job growth and a continuation of the economic recovery put in place by the Obama administration.  Trump will try and take credit for the positive news since the February numbers took place on his watch.  But Trump is also the same person who criticized the positive job numbers of the past during Obama's Presidency.

The Labor Department also announced that 9000 more jobs were created for December and January than originally reported which added to those two months positive numbers.  Once Trump's policies are voted on and passed the nation will then begin to see how well his administration does in producing jobs in his first term.  He promised 20 million new jobs in his first term.  That number would be the best ever for any President.  Hourly wages were up again in February at 2/10% and continue their upward trend.

It has been fun this past week watching Trump and his team take credit for the small gains in the stock market lately.  The stock market DJIA almost tripled on President Obama's watch so any stock market move now has to be taken with a grain of salt.  FAKE NEWS seems to still be an avenue for this administration.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio