Monday, December 4, 2017

President Trump and The GOP Senate Pass Their Tax Scheme and Fraud - -Then Claim It Was An Accomplishment.

The trumpet man and the GOP lead congress have been AWOL on governing our great country since they took control of all three branches of the government in January, so they were hard up to take credit for any accomplishment.  And true to their nature and ideology, they are talking accomplishments since the Senate passed their tax bill even though the bill is a scheme and fraud that does not measure up and adds more than $1.4 trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years which is in addition to the projected $10 trillion already predicted for that period.

The House and Senate will have to reconcile the difference in the two bills.  The Senate voted to pass their bill 51-49 with all democrats voting no and one republican no vote.  All of Louisiana's republican reps in congress voted for the two bills and little boy Steve Scalise made the silly statement that the bill will jump start the economy.  Scalise is so out of touch and full of it and a insult to common sense.  The economy is actually in the ninth straight year of economic expansion and job creation  and economist say the economy is near full employment.  That, thanks to the policies of President Obama and the democratic controlled congress who passed the President's plan when they controlled both houses of congress in 2009 and 2010.

Over 10 months in office, Trump and the GOP answered the question asked by PolitiDose in a commentary dated 12/24/16 titled, "What Will The New Year Bring,"  A Continuing Story.  Trump and the GOP have chosen a regressive path on every issue facing America and will harm the country and the people in due time for all to see.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio