Saturday, May 13, 2023

PolitiDose Told The Real Story About Donald Trump in Commentary in 2015 and 2016.

In 2015 Donald Trump announced he would seek the GOP nomination for President of the United States.  That was 8 years ago and the general news media (TV, Radio and Printed) are still enabling Trump with massive news coverage of being a viable candidate despite his traitorous acts as a Presidential nominee and President of the United States.  The latest example was CNN's town hall meeting with Trump just this week after a jury found Trump guilty of sexual abuse and defamation of a woman and fined him $5 million.  CNN gave Trump  another forum to lie about the verdict, lie about the election of 2020 and the riot at the Capitol on January 6.

PolitiDose was not fooled by Donald Trump and said so in commentary in 2015 and 2016, commentary that explained 8 years ago how Trump and the GOP were one and the same liars.  Also, how Trump as a presidential candidate asked Russia to spy on America seeking Hillary Clinton's emails.  That was a traitorous act the media said little about.  But PolitiDose commentary told the story when Trump made the traitorous comment.  And when Trump the President tried to overthrow the government on Jan. 6, PolitiDose also told that story of his traitorous act when it took place.  The full corruption of Trump and his toxic rhetoric was also exposed by PolitiDose commentary those two years early on.  

During those telling two years the media treated Trump as a star and devoted most of their news cycle to him and his lies.  It was the media who helped create Trump and his toxic influence and are doing the same thing today billing him as a legitimate Presidential candidate.  It's the same as supporting a known and convicted fraud and ignoring what America really needs at this difficult time.  The media's support for Trump and his party's un-American attitude and anti-American government ideology is totally unacceptable in a democratic society.  

Eight years ago PolitiDose understood what Trump and the GOP were all about and said so in commentary.  The media did not, let it all slide and today are still enabling Trump and the GOP's toxic and corrupting ideology to flood the air waves.  Yes, my fellow Americans, understanding the mistakes of the past is still the key to a better future.  There are hose who will never learn because they do not want to.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.    

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Conservative Opinion Writer Byron York Is Still Ignorant Concerning The Federal Budget.

 In a New Orleans Advocate column dated May 10 titled, "Recession and the 2024 Campaign" York of the Washington Examiner continues to display his ignorance concerning federal spending in the federal budget.  His ignorance is also displayed in his comments concerning the GOP's predictions of an economic recession they have been pushing for the past 15 months that has failed to take place.  Is it really ignorance or just the plain fact that York is a ditto head of the Trump/GOP alliance that enjoys dealing in misinformation to his public audience and reader ship?

York writes Biden's federal spending has been stratospheric.  But, stratospheric federal spending actually defines what took place on Trump and the GOP's watch when federal spending hit the $4, $5 and $6 trillion mark in only 4 fiscal years for the first time in American history.  And as of this day, federal spending under Biden has not exceeded Trump's spending and in fact Biden's very first fiscal year budget came in 8% lower than Trump's last fiscal year budget which was $6.8 trillion.  Trump's third fiscal year budget came in at $6.5 trillion.  Biden's first budget came in at $6.2 trillion.  

Trump and his GOP were the very first administrations to cross the trillion dollar threshold 3 times and in only 4 years.  Reagan crossed the threshold one time being the first President to cross the trillion dollar mark.  Bush 43 crossed it twice being the  first to cross the 2 and 3 trillion mark.  In 8 years Clinton never crossed the trillion dollar mark and Obama never crossed the 3 trillion mark in his 8 fiscal years.  

What York, Trump and  the GOP will never talk about is the record deficit number Trump added to the national debt in just 4 short fiscal years, $8.2 trillion.  No other administration has come even close to that number in any one term.  The large increases in federal spending and the national debt since Reagan was elected can be defined as devastation on the republican watch and the record backs it up.  York and his ditto heads have nothing to offer the American people but deception.  And sadly, they like it that way.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Governor Edwards Should Veto "Don't Say Gay" Legislation If Passed By The GOP Controlled State Legislature.

 If and when the GOP controlled state legislature passes "Don't Say Gay" legislation, Governor Edwards must have the character and courage to veto such legislation and stand tall against the GOP's assault to discriminate against certain people's right of privacy, the pursuit of happiness and to live their own lives like all Americans.  Anything less than a veto should be unacceptable.  

The drive to deny constitutional rights both statewide and nationally by the GOP ditto heads are so un-American in nature, real leaders have to stand up, be counted and fight the good fight to protect all citizen's right to live their own lives.  The corrupted GOP has no business to try and regulate other lives, nor do they have any moral authority to do so.  

Governor Edwards turned around the failure of 8 years of GOP control when elected and moved the state forward.  And now as he prepares to leave office, he cannot afford the state to slip backwards again and allow such harmful legislation to become law.  Leaving office on a positive note by displaying character and courage will define the difference between good government and those who want to use government to deny people their right to live their own lives.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, May 6, 2023

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and the Unemployment Rate for April 2023.

 The U.S. Labor Department announced that the economy added 253,000 jobs in April and the unemployment rate came in at 3.4%, down from 3.5% in March.  It was the 27th consecutive month of positive job growth under the Biden administration.  The Department also reported that wages were up 0.5% from March.  The economy continues to create jobs at a monthly average rate much higher than recorded before COVID.

The unemployment rate has stayed in the 3% range for 15 consecutive months since February 2022.  That is the lowest string of unemployment since the Lyndon Johnson administration when it stayed in the 3% range for 20 consecutive months in 1966-1967.  And for those who are ignorant on such matters, in the last 94 years only one Republican President has left office with a lower unemployment rate than when he took office and that was Ronald Reagan.  Every other Republican President, Hoover, Nixon-Ford, Bush 41, Bush 43 and Trump left office with a higher unemployment rate than when they took office.  No democratic President during that same period of time left office with a higher unemployment rate than when he took office.  And for the record, the nation lost 6.4 million jobs on Hoover's watch and 2.7 million jobs on Trump's watch.  

The jobs and unemployment numbers for April, once again shocked the negative voices of doom and gloom who were looking for a major slowdown and still predicting a recession to take place same time this year that keeps getting pushed back from their original prediction of the third quarter of 2022.  The negative voices still are incapable of saying anything positive about the economy.

The media in general is just as bad as the negative voices giving priority to negative news instead of the positives concerning the economy.  They know democratic administrations have a long historical record of creating jobs and putting America to work but never report the facts even though the numbers back it up.  They also know the GOP has no such record and are afraid to report it because their record is a disaster.

Even good economic conditions and results. when they exist, needs attention to keep progress moving forward for the country and its people.  No economy is self sustaining.  But we have a Federal Reserve, many corporate leaders and other negative voices who think you have to destroy jobs, raise unemployment and ruin the economy to make it better.  That is pure nonsense with no original thought and those are the same people who could help move the economy forward with a different policy attitude and support of the President's policies that turned the economy around for the better.

It is past time to get behind and support the President's policies that have worked and to support those issues that will keep the economy creating jobs, lowering unemployment, raise wages, reduce inflation and put the country in position to balance future budgets.  With political understanding we can keep the economy growing.  A positive attitude, policy and working together will get us there.  A negative attitude and division will not.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio  

Friday, May 5, 2023

The U.S. Economy: President Trump's First Two Years Vs. President Biden's First Two Years.

President Trump took office at a time the U.S. Economy was in it's 8th consecutive year of economic expansion, job creation was positive and unemployment was down 3.1% on President Obama watch.  Budget deficits were falling and federal spending was increasing at lower level than the previous administration.   There was no economic recession on the horizon to worry about.  During Trump's first 24 months in office the GDP (Gross National Product) grew at an average of 2.5% per year.  Unemployment was down 7/10th of 1%.  It was 4.7% when he took office and 4% two years later.  Job Creation for Trump's first 36 months in office (before COVID) averaged 183,333 jobs per month.  

President Biden took office with an economic recession and COVID pandemic in full swing, job creation in negative territory, an unemployment rate of 6.3%, negative GDP, the largest federal spending spree in the history of the U.S., increasing deficits and a record number increase in the national debt for any Presidential term.  During President Biden's first 24 months in office the GDP averaged 4% per year.  The unemployment rate was down 2.9%.  It was 6.3% when he took office and was 3.4% two years later.  Unemployment has stood in the 3% range for 14 consecutive months, the longest stretch since the Kennedy-Johnson years.  Job creation in Biden's first 24 months averaged 458,000 jobs per month, a record for any 24 month period.

The 24 month period tells us how each President's administration performed after what they inherited from the previous administration and how they responded.  We know the full details of how the Trump administration ended because it is already in the history books and is not a flattering one. 

The story tells us the country and its people did well the first 24 months of the Biden's administration despite inflation and the negative voices of doom and gloom who refuse to talk about the positive accomplishments that took place in America.  The President's report card is not the final judgement, but that day will come when his full term can be measured and recorded. 

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

The GOP Trys To Define Others and It's Opponents In Order To Influence Public Opinion and Divide The Country.

 A good example over the years in their attempt to define democrats as "liberals" but define the term as something other than the true meaning of "liberal."  They use the word to divide the people and misrepresent what "liberal" really stands for.  A large part of the GOP's reason to do so is that they cannot articulate what their own party stands for or compete with the facts on the issues because of their own extreme ideology.  

President Kennedy, who was very articulate in his speech and was willing to debate the merits of "liberalism" vs. "conservatism" with U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater who was running against Kennedy for a second term said this about being a "liberal" in his book, "Profiles in Courage."  (in which Kennedy defined the true meaning of "liberalism.")  IF BY A LIBERAL THEY MEAN SOMEONE WHO LOOKS AHEAD AND NOT BEHIND, SOMEONE WHO WELCOMES NEW IDEAS WITHOUT RIGID REACTIONS, SOMEONE WHO CARES ABOUT THE WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE-THEIR HEALTH, THEIR HOUSING, THEIR SCHOOLS, THEIR JOBS, THEIR CIVIL RIGHTS AND THEIR CIVIL LIBERTIES-SOMEONE WHO BELIEVES WE CAN BREAK THROUGH THE STALEMATE AND SUSPICIONS THAT GRIP US IN OUR POLICIES ABROAD, IF THAT IS WHAT THEY MEAN BY A "LIBERAL" THAN I AM PROUD TO SAY I AM A "LIBERAL."

Now, with the Republican party in decay and toxic under their leader Donald Trump, they discovered a new word to try and define the democratic party for the people using the word "woke."  After losing the popular vote 7 times in the last 8 Presidential elections, participating in Trump's corrupted administration that tried to over throw the 2020 election, supported Trump's effort to turn America into an autocratic governing body , created a fiscal calamity and economic recession that lost 21.5 million jobs, the GOP thought they needed a new word to define the democratic party so they hung their hat on the word "woke" to try and redefine the democratic party for the people.

President Biden who is not even close to President Kennedy when it comes to being articulate, demonstrated the true "liberal" spirit and definition with his policies that moved the country and its people away from the Trump/GOP failures of the previous 4 years.  And every step to true progress in moving America forward began with the "liberal" philosophy and the record speaks for itself.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio