Sunday, September 11, 2016

Is It Unthinkable, Or Could It Really Happen.

Could the chance exist that between now and the November election former President George W. Bush will call a news conference and announce he is supporting Hillary Clinton for President and urge his fellow Texans and the American people to do the same.  The former President, now a civilian would be in a good position to do so and restore at least some sense of responsibility in his retired life.

Bush, like Donald Trump could not admit to any mistakes while serving as President and in fact said he made the right decision in invading Iraq.  Trump's economic policy and foreign policy is the same as Bush pushed.  The big difference with Trump is he can not admit to any mistake in his personal or business life and would act the same as President.

Bush's personal and business life was and is different than Trumps.  Bush was not ego driven or looked for the spotlight nor was he married three times.  This writer believes that Bush knows very well how wrong his foreign and economic policies were for the country and its people and even knows and understands that Iraq was indeed an unnecessary war that did so much damage.  He also knows Trump's Presidency if elected would do the same damage to the country.

So Bush the civilian and former President could step up to the plate, make such an announcement and spare the country another sad chapter in its history.  It would also be something good for the former President's piece of mind in his retirement years.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

ISIS Pushed Out Of More Territory

Turkey announced that they and the free Syrian rebels have defeated ISIS along the Syria-Turkey border and that ISIS has lost all areas along that border.  ISIS used the border area to infiltrate both Syria and Turkey and move military supplies.  It is another major defeat for ISIS and Turkey's border with Syria is once again secured of the terrorists.

The fact that Turkey's military and the free Syrian rebels did the job is another piece of good news because they are defending their own countries and that has more significance and sends a more powerful message to the Islamic state.  ISIS has not only lost much territory they once captured they have also lost a number of their top leaders in Iraq and Syria to U.S. drone strikes.

Yes, progress continues to be made against ISIS but don't look for any of the Obama haters to admit it.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio