Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Pundits Are All Over The Lot Trying To Explain Why Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards Was Re-elected.

The editorials in the New Orleans Advocate are becoming comical with opinions why and how JBE was re-elected over his republican opponent Eddie Rispone.  This writer would like to offer the following:  JBE was the candidate who campaigned among the public while Rispone did not.  JBE had policy and plans while Rispone had personal attacks and a extreme agenda he could not explain .  Louisiana is not a red state just because it voted Trump in 2016 and the state legislature is mostly republican.  JBE carried Jefferson Parish, a republican stronghold and swamped Rispone in Orleans parish, one of the most diverse parish in the state.

The foundation for JBE's victory was laid in the November 2016 Presidential election when Hillary Clinton won the popular vote 48% to Trump's 46%.  It was a democratic blue wave margin of over 2 million votes in Clinton's favor.  Then in the November 2018 congressional elections the democrats took control of the U. S. House.  The democratic candidates received a total of 58,990,609 million votes to the republican candidates 50,304,975 votes, a democratic margin of 8.6 million more votes.  The republicans had controlled the U.S. House for the previous 8 years.

Then just this month the democratic blue wave vote returned control in the Virginia state legislature to the democratic party for the first time in over a decade.  That same day in Kentucky, the democratic blue wave vote ousted Kentucky's republican governor and elected a democrat governor to lead the state.  It was a state Trump carried easy in the 2016 election.  And only a week later the democratic blue wave vote re-elected JBE over his republican opponent despite Trump and his party's campaign trips to Louisiana.

The democratic blue wave vote is alive and well and responding to Trump and the republican party's failure to lead and their corruption, traitorous acts, lack of legislation concerning immigration reform, infrastructure, gun contgrol and other vital issues.  The pundits, Trump, the republican party and many in the news media still don't understand the difference between a conservative voter and political conservatism.  There is no such thing as a conservative elected official and the voters are making the point with their votes.  And conservatism among Louisiana elected officials just does not exist in fact.  They are radical extremist who put their party above the state, the people, the constitution and the country.

The democratic blue wave vote that is taking place is led by a younger generation who sees things as they are and making their voices known to change the status quo.  They are not going to stay home and complain.  Their ideas will be taken to the public for real action and backing it up with their vote. There is really no secret to JBE's re-election.  The voters were not going back to what use to be.  And that was not a cliché by the Edwards campaign.  The voters actually remembered the past.

And as this writer has noted many times over in PolitiDose, "The key to a better future, is understanding the mistakes of the failed past."  I think the people of Louisiana realized that when they cast their vote for JBE.  And that democratic blue wave vote re-elected the best candidate.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Impeachment Inquiry Touches Trump' Enablers

The powerful testimony by those closest to the President, both appointed or otherwise, and under OATH spelled out for the public the corruption of President Donald Trump and his impeachable acts before the House Intelligence Committee.  Those who testified under OATH corroborated each others story with first, second or third hand knowledge.  The evidence all fell into place.  Many of those who testified did so of their own free will and ignored pressure from the President not to testify.  Those witnesses put the country, the constitution and their OATH of office first.

The impeachment process has brought out the worse of the republican party in congress and those serving in the administration who have remained silent under the pretense they are trying to control an out of control President, an excuse for their cowardly acts.  Trump's party in congress has sold their soul to the President's corruption, looks the other way and supports his impeachable acts.  They have willingly violated their OATH of office to uphold the constitution they swore to protect.  Their actions have betrayed the country and its people and are traitorous.  They are cowards like those who allow Trump to intimidate them into not testifying under OATH.

The republicans who served in congress during the Nixon years put the constitution, the country and the people first (not party) during Watergate, stepped up to the plate and let it be known Presidents are not above the law. They had character and a moral compass what America and democracy stood for.  Todays congressional republicans are a sorry bunch who concerns themselves only with party and how to stay in power .  And sadly, those who represent Louisiana in congress are among the worst cowards.

The impeachment inquiry tells not only the story of a corrupt President and Commander in Chief, it provides insight just how far those who enable the President are willing to betray their country.  The President is toxic to every thing he touches and his enablers because they allow themselves to operate in the same gutter with his poison.

As this writer commented in 2016, Trump and his party are one and the same, traitors and cowards.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, November 23, 2019

President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Deserve Each Other

Both Trump and Netanyahu have a lot in common.  Both love personal attacks against others, lies frequently, tries to intimidate others, they are spectacular untruthful about Iran and now we read where Israel Attorney General Avichal Mandelilt has indicated Netanyahu for fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes after a three year investigation.  It is a reminder that President Trump had to settle a fraud lawsuit brought on by New York Attorney General against Trump University that defrauded Trump University students.  Trump settled the suit for $25 million.

Netanyahu used a Trump tactic after the indictment when he claimed he was the victim of a grand conspiracy by police and prosecutors who had intimidated key witnesses.  As every one knows Trump passes the buck and blames every one else for his own corruption.  He is doing it now during the impeachment inquiry by blaming those he appointed and worked close with who have testified under OATH about the President's corruption.  Netanyahu said the country was witnessing an attempted coup against him.  Those are the same words used by Trump concerning the impeachment hearings.

Both leaders are traitors to their country, the people and their OATH of office.  They are cowards who try to intimidate for their own self glory.  The people of Israel and the United States deserve better.  Netanyahu's party is collapsing while impeachment moves forward against President Trump.  Corruption attracts corruption.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, November 18, 2019

John Bel Edwards Re-elected Governor of Louisiana

Louisiana's governor John Bel Edwards was re-elected to serve another term in office on Saturday defeating republican candidate Eddie Rispone.  Edwards received over 51% of the vote according to the latest reports.  The democratic blue wave vote was active again in the state and continued last weeks blue wave vote when the democrats swept Virginia's state legislature and won the governor's office in Kentucky defeating the republican incumbent governor.

Edward's victory was a huge defeat for President Trump who came to Louisiana along with his V.P. to campaign for Rispone several times along with other members of Louisiana's republican party.  Their lies, scare tactics and personal attacks did not fool the voting majority and as this writer previously noted, Louisiana's Attorney General Jeff Landry and U.S. Senator John Kennedy who contemplated a run against Edwards backed down because they knew they could not defeat the Governor.

Then we have the republican pundits, especially opinion writer Dan Fagan with the New Orleans Advocate who bragged about Louisiana being a red state and Trump territory.  Fagan wrote two opinion columns titled,  "Democrats Impeachment Fiasco Comes At Bad Time For Edwards" and "Trump Tweets Against Edwards Threaten Governor's Chances."  Fagan and his extreme opinions were so wrong it opens a window to understand the ditto head mentality of support for and his party.  The republicans deserved the outcome of the election.  They are a do nothing party with zero accomplishments and an extreme rhetoric that lack American values.

There was another piece of good news for Louisiana reported on election day by the New Orleans Advocate.  The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that Louisiana's per capita personal income rose 5.2% between 2017 and 2018 compared to the National average of 4.9%.  That puts to rest Trump and the republican lies they were telling during the governor's campaign.  The blue wave majority vote in Virginia, Kentucky and Louisiana told the real story about where the majority of Americans stand.  And to those that push Louisiana as being a red state, the view is very dim today.

The re-election of John Bel Edwards was a real win for the state and its people who spoke loud and clear.  Louisiana will not return to the failed policies of the past and instead voted for a progressive future.   And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, November 15, 2019

Conservative Journalist George Will Must Be Reading PolitiDose

In a political commentary published in the New Orleans Advocate dated 11/14/19 titled, "If congress was serious, it would legislate on migrants."  Will says the following and I quote:  "If congress had even a faint pulse and an ounce of pride it would take to enact laws that set immigration policy rather than churning out faux laws that give to President's discretion tantamount to lawmaking."  And if that sounds familiar, its because you read it here first in PolitiDose long ago and on more than one occasion.

The big difference is Will failed to mention that one party in congress, the republicans, Will's own party, was silent that it has been the President  and his own party that has failed to take up immigration reform by legislating ever since Trump took office 33 plus months ago.  In fact Mitch McConnell, Trump's leader in the U.S. Senate said he did not know what Trump's policy was on immigration.  But that is no excuse for the republican controlled Senate not to act.

Will also failed to note that the democratic part of congress when they controlled the U.S. Senate did pass immigration reform that passed in 2013 that was joined by 14 republicans in a bipartisan vote.  That was a good immigration reform bill but the republican controlled U.S. House just let the bill die and never took it up for debate.  This writer thinks it is safe to say republicans do not want to legislate immigration reform because they are aware that immigrants favor democratic elected officials.  And legislation means more legal immigrants in America.  Oh, and by the way, the republican party has controlled the U.S. Senate for almost 5 straight years which means they had the opportunity to introduce immigration reform legislation even during the administration of President Obama and failed to do so.

George Will agrees with past PolitiDose commentary that immigration reform needs to be addressed by congress but can not bring himself to report that the democratic part of congress actually did act with legislation.  And one can be certain if the democratic party takes controlled of the U.S. Senate in the 2020 elections and keeps control of the U.S. House, they will once again act with immigration reform legislation.  They understand that is the way to address the issue with policy.   So stay tuned to PolitiDose, for your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

How Many People Remember?

When President Trump, Mitch McConnell Republican majority leader in the U.S. Senate and the republicans in congress told the American people after the mass killings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio they would take up gun control legislation when congress returned from their Labor Day break?  Well, they returned over two months ago and not a word has been said on the issue from the cowards beholding to the NRA and the gun lobby.  Trump and his party even failed to take up the gun control legislation on background checks passed by the democratic controlled U.S. House in February, long before the two above shootings took place.

The democratic party did not wait for the next shooting to occur, they kept their 2018 pledge to act on a matter that has taken too many innocent lives.  Trump and his republican cowards have failed to answer the call and just yesterday, two more students were shot and killed in California and two more were wounded.  The cowards could have passed the House's bill timely if they were not beholding to the NRA and the gun lobby.  The democrats responded with common sense and did not allow the NRA and the gun lobby's money intimidate their responsibility to the public.

This is the same President and republican party who have not taken up, acted on, or passed one piece of immigration legislation in the 33 months they have been in control of the country.  All they have is their lies and do nothing rhetoric designed to divide the country and not address the problem.  America is experiencing a time of sickness born by a President who is mentally unstable and a party willing to appease the sick behavior un-becoming an American President.  And to make matters worse, some republicans are trying to make the American people believe we have to live with this kind of sickness.   And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Democratic Blue Wave of Voters Continues.

Last Tuesday in Virginia, the republican party that controlled both houses of the state legislature for the past two decades was swept out of office by the democratic blue wave and gave full control of the government to a democratic governor and a democratic controlled legislature.  And late that same evening the democratic blue wave of voters elected the democratic candidate for governor over the present republican governor in the state of Kentucky.  President Trump and his VP campaigned in both states for the republican candidates but the voters spoke loud and clear.

The blue wave of voters in those two states continued the blue wave in the November 2018 congressional elections that swept the republican party of their control in the U.S. House in favor of the democratic party.  That blue wave vote was so over powering, democrats received 8.6 million more votes than the republican party.  And it should be noted that President Trump won both Kentucky and Virginia in the 2016 Presidential election.

So now the battle moves to the Governor's race in Louisiana where Trump and Pence have made 4 appearances for the republican candidate Eddie Rispone  and plans to make another appearance before the election.  Louisiana's present governor John Bel Edwards is the only democratic governor in a deep south state and the republicans are trying to pull out all the stops.  Louisiana's U.S. Senator John Kennedy campaigned with Trump in Louisiana.  He is the guy who wanted to run against Edwards and then withdrew because he knew Edwards would beat him like a drum.

Will the democratic blue wave vote extend to the Louisiana elections?  Time will tell and we will soon find out if Louisiana's voters learned any thing from the Kentucky and Virginia voters last week.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Another HUGE, HUGE First For PolitiDose

Long ago the readers of PolitiDose learned that the American economy does best by far on the watch of Democratic administrations.  The facts were laid out in a four part commentary, including a recap that began with Part I dated January 27, 2008 and ever since then, PolitiDose has carried commentary that Democratic administrations also do best at balancing the federal budget, reducing deficit spending, smaller increases in the national debt, smaller increases in federal spending and so much better creating jobs.

Now comes an opinion column published in the New Orleans Advocate of 11/7/19 by Proma Harrop titled The Democrats preside over better economies.  The commentary speaks for itself and addresses President Trump's fake news about the economy and stock market being the best ever on his watch.  Harrop destroys that fake news and self serving statement and so has PolitiDose in its ongoing commentary about the economy under Trump.  Precedent tells the tale over the past 60 plus years how and why Democratic administrations are more successful for the country and its people.

And yes, you read it here first in PolitiDose and just recently how the stock market performed much better under President Obama than Trump.  The shame of it all belongs on the news media in general who do not inform the people of the facts and those who fail to seek the facts for themselves.  But PolitiDose has been there for years with commentary and facts so stay tuned for your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Job Creation For October Continues Its Downward Trend

The U.S. Labor Department reported the economy created 128,000 jobs in October, down from the September numbers and less than was predicted by economists.  The unemployment rate came in at 3.6%, up from the 3.5% in September.  Earlier in the week the Commerce Department reported the GDP for the third quarter ending September 30 came in at an annual rate of 1.9% and that the yearly GDP for all of 2019 is projected to be around 2.1%.

After the job numbers were released, Trump went into his usual lying mode and tweeted that the economy created 303,000 jobs in October, almost 3 times as many as the official report from the Labor Department.  He also tweeted the economy was the greatest ever, another flat out lie.  Trump said during the campaign the GDP in his administration would be in the range of 3-6% and even higher but PolitiDose has the trump man and his party's number, the economy under every democratic administration in the past 50 years was better.

And after 33 months in office Trump continues to lag behind the Obama administration's job creation record in his last 33 months in office and by a wide number.  In Trump's first 33 months in office 5,989,000 jobs have been created for a monthly average of 181,484.  In President Obama's last 33 months in office 7,079,000 million jobs were created for a monthly average of 214,515.

To top it off, manufacturing was down for the third straight month and is still in a recession.  The Trump tax cuts that was billed as bringing jobs back to America from overseas was a fairy tale.  And Trump lead the way by not bringing back any of his companies to America.  So now the trumpet man is floating a middle class tax cut  for next year when it should have been his priority in the first place.

The country and its people will never be free of Trump's lies until he leaves office.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio