Sunday, June 14, 2020

"Defund The Police?" This Writer Thinks Not

Protesters and others who want to "Defund the Police" have expressed in different ways what those words mean, but are not really clear what they are looking for.  If it is to abolish the Police Departments, that is a non-starter and dangerous approach to the problem at hand in this writers judgement and that part of the conversation has to end.  Tragedy seem to always prompt thoughts and actions between the extreme and the status quo.

What is necessary are positive changes that relates to the problem and a commitment to see it through.  That can take place with leadership and without "Defunding the Police."  And the way to begin is conversation between local, city, state and the federal government that work in conjunction with each other.  The federal government possesses the tools and technology to assist, but it is local, city and state leadership's responsibility to execute the changes that are necessary and one major change that it needs is transparency that ends branding those police officers "traitors" who have the character and courage to stand up and correct wrong doing when they see it taking place.  The culture of silence simply promotes the status quo.

The problems being played out today are not new.  It is a continuation of past problems that local, city and state governments have failed to act on in a responsible, timely and safe manner.  Therefore, the problem still exist.  President Kennedy once said, our problems are man made, therefore they can be solved by man.  He was right of course, but we have yet to learn from the past.

Will now be the time at this moment in history when men come together to solve a problem created by man?  Time is running out and our leaders need to step up to the plate and lead.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio