Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Democratic Presindential Candidate Joe Biden Has The Best Health Care Plan and The Political Understanding Necessary To Run The Federal Government.

Former U.S. Senator and Vice President Joe Biden has demonstrated he has the best and most logical plan to settle the health care issue.  Its a common sense plan to improve on the ACA, make it better, eliminate what is not working and adopt a public option which will allow more choice and can be achieved at an affordable cost.  The basic plan is there in place over 8 years and the health care issue does not need to be debated anew with a new plan that has to be introduced all over again.

The ACA continues to serve a need for the American people.  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services reported last week that 8.3 million Americans signed up for the ACA between November 1 and December 17 with more sign ups to follow despite the Trump administrations cut backs in the ad budget for the ACA and Trump and the republicans vow to repeal the act and the road blocks they throw up every day and try to undermine the program.  Joe Biden has the political understanding necessary to forge the changes that ae needed to a system that is not broke but needs to be adjusted like all government programs.  The issue is too important to be poisoned by Trump and his party who have failed the health care issue for the past 16 years.

Joe Biden also has the political understanding and experience that is necessary to preside over the federal government  The advantage over his democratic opponents and Trump are easily recognized.  The carnage that Trump will leave to the next President will be one of the great challenges in modern times and the country can ill afford to take another chance on a candidate who lacks the political understanding and experience of candidate Joe Biden.

A wise and great American President, Harry Truman said it best many years ago with one of his many famous sayings when he said, A PRESIDENT NEEDS POLITICAL UNDERSTANDING TO RUN GOVERNMENT, BUT HE MAY BE ELECTED WITHOUT IT.  And that is what took place in the Presidential election of 2016.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio