Friday, April 8, 2011

Republicans, The Federal Budget And Government Shutdowns

The Republicans in congress have a record of shutting down the federal government, the democrats do not. The last republican shutdown of the federal government happened during the Clinton administration because Clinton's economic policies were working and they did not want the country to succeed under a democratic administration. Those republicans used federal spending as an excuse much like their party is doing today. Republican administrations do not have a record of balancing the federal budget or cutting federal spending in over 50 years, the democrats do. The Clinton administration was reducing deficit spending at the time of the republican shutdown and went on to create record surpluses and also paid down the national debt. Republicans don't like that. President Obama's very first fiscal year budget that ended 9/30/10 reduced total federal spending by 1.6% compared to the last fiscal year budget of George W. Bush. Republicans don't like that either. The republicans push to cut federal spending is their disguise to bankrupt the federal government of supporting social security, medicare, medicaid and other needed programs. They had their chance to cut federal spending under the Bush administration when they controlled both houses of congress during Bush's first 6 years in office. Instead they broke all previous records of deficit spending and debt and rubber stamped Bush's record 8 year deficit spending spree and record debt creation.

The present republican threat to shutdown the government is to continue the policy of opposing the success of the Obama administration. They hate to see the good news coming out of the economy and the fact that job creation is coming back and unemployment is falling. They are angry because once again, it is a democratic administration that is bringing the country back from republican failure. They also know very well that their own party had no part in turning the economy around. The tea party is one and the same with the republican party. They are bedfellows. Both are extreme and practice an un-American ideology. The newly elected tea party people were also silent while Bush was creating record debt with his reckless deficit spending habits. When you belong to a party who's only accomplishments are deficit spending and the creation of debt, you adopt a position of divide and conquer, lie, go the extreme, blame the democrats and try to create a con game and in the process loose sight of what America and its people are all about. Regardless how this budget process ends, it will be a democratic administration again that actually cuts federal spending. This years budget that ends 9/30/11 was submitted to congress by President Obama with a reduction of $40 billion from last years budget and tacked onto that will be what ever is agreed to in the present budget show down. The President is being serious about addressing the deficit problem and he needs to keep up the pressure on the republicans in congress to try and act like Americans for a change.