Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Conservative Problems: Lies and Creditability

The health care reform taken up by congress is once again bringing out the true nature of conservatives and their phony ideology.  It follows the same pattern used to oppose President Clinton's deficit reduction and economic policy adopted by the democratic controlled congress in 1993.  All republicans in congress voted against the bill. 
The conservative republicans on the floor of Congress predicted Clinton's economic policy if passed, would result in economic disaster.  However, just the opposite happened and the people witnessed the greatest economic boom in over 50 years with balanced budgets, something republican administrations have no record of accomplishing in that same time span.  The conservative republicans also opposed Medicare over 30 years ago and predicted then doom and gloom.  They also at that time misrepresented what Medicare would do for the American people. 
Now the conservative republicans are lying about Obama's health care plan and the language in it and have come up with the same talking points to mislead the nation once again.  The conservative commentators have been just as vocal with their lies and misrepresentations.  If one pays attention to what goes on in government and the news media it is easy to understand the conservatives real problems. 
Republicans controlled the country the last 8 years and failed to offer any legislation that would address the issue of the rising cost of health care on a long term basis.  Now, they have failed to offer any alternatives for the American people.  It fits their position on the economy.  They have no record of creating a sound sustained economy and have no record on health care issues so they bash those who do have idea's.  The health care issue before the people may not have all the answers and may have to be amended in some form but lies and misinformation about legislation have no benefit for the people nor do they produce a workable bill.  Conservatives are a sad bunch when it comes to thinking positively.  They need to develop a new ideology because their present ideology is sick and in need of health care. 
President Obama will not get any help from republicans on health care so he and the democratic controlled congress  should pass a health care bill that does indeed reduce the cost long term.  Leadership and courage is what it will take to get the job done.

The Wealthy Must Pay Their Fair Share

The Associated Press reported the week of August 16 the United States and the Swiss government announced a court settlement the previous week in efforts by the IRS to force Zurich based bank UBS AG  to turn in the names of about 52,000 Americans thought to be hiding nearly $15 billion in assets in secret accounts.  The settlement has a lot of wealthy Americans with offshore accounts nervously running to their tax advisors and the IRS.
I have not found where this story has been given due coverage by the national media, the cable networks or the various blogs.  Perhaps the wealthy who own most of the major networks would not like the American people to dwell on the facts that wealthy people have the means to hide assets and avoid taxation.  This is just another piece of evidence that the wealthy do not pay their fair share of taxes.
The AP also reported that Richard Boggs, chief executive of Nationwide Tax Relief, a tax firm that specializes in clients with tax debts exceeding $100,000 said you have the super rich who are not used to being pushed around, finding themselves in unfamiliar territory and are very frightened.  Boggs said his firm has been taking in 100 new cases a month, a big increase over previous years.
If $15 billion in assets is indeed hiding in secret accounts that have not been taxed, coupled with the tax loopholes that favor the wealthy, the total billions of dollars that escape taxation for this group of peoples must be staggering.  Does it come to $50, $150 or $200 billion?  Congress needs to take away these avenues of escape, go through the tax code and eliminate all loopholes they themselves created for the special interest groups so that taxation will be fair with a capitol F for the well being of all taxpayers.  The people and the economy would both benefit from that action.
IRS commissioner Doug Shulman said 400 people applied to voluntarily disclose undeclared assets in a single week in July, compared with fewer that 100 applications all last year.  He also said if people have been hiding assets in the past, they should be nervous, and they should be a lot more suspect about doing it in the future. 
Once again we are witnessing our government getting involved in the necessary checks and balances, something that never happened in the previous administration that resulted in the collapse of the economy and the financial industry.  The government in this case should stay the course.